True Life in God Messages

924 True Life in God Notebook 90 “Jesus is my salvation; 1 “I am your salvation; see how I come with My delicate fragrance of incense and myrrh all the way to your room? My fragile one, wander no more like a vagabond but allow Me to draw you in Me; enjoy My Presence, enjoy My great wealth of My Heart, you to whom I allied Myself by marriage; “I have become your royal counsellor; now and then, to hearten you, I shall show Myself; 2 do not ask: “who is this like a column of light?” 3 before the dawn-wind rises, before the shadows flee, come closer to your Beloved and take your shelter in His embrace, then your soul will rejoice in His embrace; no one will disturb your rest; no one can touch your rest in My Heart because I will safely guard you, My beloved; no one will dare disturb you, no one will dare approach you when they will see from afar the flare in My Eyes of My jealous love, guarding you jealously; “I shall let My jealous love speak out now: as David said in his psalm: ‘You anoint my head with oil;’ I tell you, with My Heart in My Hand: I will pay homage to you My bride by anointing your head again with oil for having gone, for My sake, through hardships and persecutions; let this oil, My loved one, cover your head and heal all your imperfections, and as a lily among the thistles, may your presence be so radiant and beautiful that it would draw many souls into the nuptial 1Title of Jesus’ song. 2When Christ appears in my face, effacing my face entirely. Many people gave their testimonies on this phenomenon. 3 One night, when everything else in the room was dark, I saw near me two columns of a dazzling brightness; like a mirror sparkling in the sun, but not hurting the eyes. I feared; then I heard: “do not fear;” and it vanished. chamber of My Heart, so that they too may rejoice within Me, witnessing all My blessedness in days to come; then with songs of exultation they will bless My Holy Name; and I, for My part, will stir their love to long for Me; I will rouse their thirst to seek My Heart alone; “as a king who sits on his royal throne, dressed in all his robes of state, glittering with gold and precious stones, with a sceptre in his right hand, I will take it as My prime and personal concern to preserve My Throne in your heart, so that your heart will continue to be adorned with the wealth of your King and Lord; this wealth of knowing Me in My triune glory; the wealth of fearing Me and the wealth of shunning every kind of sin, and finally, the wealth of doing My Divine Will and what is pleasing to Me, your God .... “My travelling companion, repose now in My embrace and allow yourself to be carried in My Arms; allow yourself to be caressed and kissed; no one will dare disturb your repose when they will meet My Eyes; and if anyone4 were to be so rash as to challenge Me, My Breath will blow him away, grinding him to powder; 5 “come, let your spirit absorb the secrets of Wisdom, let your spirit boast of the one true Knowledge I, Myself, have given you; let your spirit rejoice for having Me, the only Son, who am nearest to the Father’s Heart as close to your heart as one can be; let your spirit absorb My Sweetness; “I, Jesus, am your salvation and your Holy Companion, the One who is singing to you, is hidden with you and within you; I am He; 6My Vassula, consider the great number of gifts I have given you to appoint you, not only as My bearer but 4 I understood, evil intruders. 5 There was a tone of humour in His Voice when He said these words. 6Jn. 18:6, 8.