True Life in God Messages

922 True Life in God Notebook 89 change your loathsomeness into a festival, for your King is near you now, 1 and from a festival I will transform you into a paradise, a glorious heaven, so that I, in My Magnificence, can be praised and glorified; and in this heaven you will invoke Me and seek My Ways from there on so that you may live; My Omnipotent Breath will breathe on you My Fragrance; no one knows all the marvels that are inside Heaven, and how I can make My Will be known on earth as it is in Heaven; to lift you, vermin, whether important or ordinary, rich or poor, I will open My Lips and from My Mouth I will pour out on you, vermin, My delicate ointment2 anointing each one of you;’ “yes, I will come and free them, to take heart, I will show them My wonderful Works, reminding them of their inheritance, offering them My Kingdom .... in My Infinite Clemency I will bow down from Heaven and with My gold sceptre lift those scarcely born to follow Me in My Traces; many will look uncomprehending on My choice and that grace and mercy can be given too to those who once had ceased to be; – I will descend all the way to them and go as far as to the remotest lands, and mix Myself among them; and they will praise My Love above wine saying to Me: ‘how right it is to love You, Sovereign of the Universe!’” 3then, full of graciousness, He lifted His right Hand and blessed the earth; and 1 This reminded me of the first words my angel Daniel pronounced regarding God. In 1985 he said: “God is near you, and loves you.” - This meant that it would be the beginning of my conversion that would come through His grace. 2 Sg. 1:3: “Your Name is like an oil poured out, and that is why the maidens love You.” Jesus means: by pouring out His ointment on the sinners, they will be healed; in other words, ointment represents His Name and once His Name comes on the sinners it brings them to love God. 3Then Our Lady continued. you, daughter, carry out what God ordered you to do, see how much brighter your eyes are now that you have eaten this mouthful of honey? 4 fill your mouth with oil5 and go with My blessings; I am with you; April 12, 1997 My peace I give you, Vassula; come and hear your Holy Mother: the Word of the Almighty has indeed been addressed to you; come now, you whom God’s message was entrusted; come and write this: “Christos Annesti!” Alithos Annesti! 6 yes, Christ is risen, and this is what God wants you to say to everyone; declare to this dying world that My Son has indeed resurrected; preach a resurrected Christ, My angel, because many in your generation do not acknowledge this truth because of their rationalism; have you not read: “these same people boast of their worldly achievements, thinking they have everything they want and that they are in glory while possessing the worldly kingdoms;” they are filled with their own importance instead of the fullness of the triune God; this is why the earth is in a turmoil and so much innocent blood is shed; but these are also the signs of the times; Satan and his dark dominion are spitting out on the earth their vomit, bringing afflictions into families and divisions too; they are raising false prophets around the world producing signs and portents as well, but this is so that the 4Our Lady meant: Celestial Manna which represents here, the Word of God. 5Oil represents, the Name of God, here. “Your Name is an oil poured out,” Sg 1:3. 6 In Greek: Christ has risen. The response: “Truly He has risen”. Greeting used usually for 40 days after the celebration of the Resurrection Day in Easter.