True Life in God Messages

914 True Life in God Notebook 88 One glance from You and my spirit burns like fire, and my heart melts like wax. One glance from You and my soul is ravished by the depth of Your Love; Your glance, my Holy One, is like a royal wedding song, it’s like the scent of a bouquet of lilies wafted to me by the breeze, Your glance is like a Citadel with ivory towers all around ... daughter-of-the-King, 1 see how your King is waiting to take His joy in you? your God has anointed you with His Lips; My Lips are moist with grace and My Lips will sing songs of salvation to you so that we repeat them together to the royal sons and the royal daughters2 of the King, that they may learn to give Us3 the right praise and honour too; then .... the days of virtues4 will flourish filling the heavens and the earth with Our Glory; 5 My sister! let your eldest Brother now carry you to have your pilgrimage in His Eyes so that your soul may contemplate the perfect light, the principal lamp of the body; I had said that the lamp of your body is the eye and that if your eye is sound, your whole body will be filled with light, but that if your eye is diseased, your whole body will be all darkness; beware then that the light inside you is not darkness lest you will be learned in evil and you would not know it; the storm wind itself is invisible, and when evil works, it works in darkness to go undetected .... 1 Christ called me in an analogous name to mine, because Vassiliki means, ‘daughter of the King’ too. 2God’s whole creation; He indicates here that we are of royal descent, of royal seed, since our Creator is King. 3The Holy Trinity. 4 The new heavens and the new earth, when God’s whole creation will be renewed in the coming Second Pentecost. 5 Jesus said these words majestically, filling me with hope. My Eyes have seen many such things; for these pray and say: “O Lord of all holiness, preserve for ever from all profanation Your sanctuaries6 by purifying in Your Sacrificial Blood, their inner self from dead actions; amen;” – do not allow your eyes rest on any misconduct but lift them to heaven and I will show you the light of My triune Holiness to contemplate, each minute of your life, Our Face, that will be turned towards you; enter into My Eyes, 7 so that you see things the way I see them, do not think that I will hide away from you those fearful sights that bring Tears of Blood in My Eyes; since I have brought you to live a true life in Me, I will show you these abominations so that you pray more; in My Body lives the fullness of divinity, and yet many of My Own are persecuting Me because of My divinity; use My Own Eyes8 to read My Word to establish in you the perfection that comes through faith in Me; speak now to My Heart, My chosen one .... What can I say? Of what can I speak to Your Heart? It is You who valued me beyond price; it is You who cured my eyes; 9 My perfect One, it was You who told me of Your faithfulness; it was You Yourself who brought me to Your Royal Courts, to walk freely in them; how I wanted to rank you with My own and give you My Body10 .... I wanted so 6 1 Co. 3:17: “The sanctuary of God is sacred; and you are that sanctuary.” 7Jesus is speaking in metaphors. 8Jesus is speaking symbolically. 9Symbolically. 10Jesus means the Holy Eucharist.