True Life in God Messages

Notebook 88 True Life in God 913 to My equality with God but emptied Myself to assume the condition of a slave;” 1 I shall know My own in this way, when they will empty themselves and follow My divine Will; give Me your hands, My Vassula, so that I inscribe in them My Instructions and the Work for your salvation; I have anointed them so that they, in their turn, anoint the sick and the weary; I have blessed them that they offer Me good deeds unsparingly and I have kissed them over and over again to give them strength and continue to snatch souls from the Evil one and bring them to Me; My own Hands have shaped and modelled yours so that they offer Me incense and sacrifice; you will learn in this pilgrimage of My Hands how I served faithfully and performed works that no one has ever done; My beloved, then, will rest by My Springs2 again; there, while your head will be leaning on My Royal Heart, your right hand held in Mine, I will be crowning you with My Love and Tenderness, filling your soul with consolations, renewing you like an eagle, I will be refreshing you so that your years do not dwindle away like a shadow; and while My gaze would never be leaving you, delighting to love she who loves Me, remembering all those instants when you were ever at play in My Presence; and others when moved by the Spirit you would cry out to Us: “Abba!” I would be making sure that you would be continuing to be giving Me undivided attention and love; in My desire to be loved I will hold you captive in My Heart; and as a watchman posted on a tower I will look out for any intruders; I will be guarding 1Ph. 2:6-7. 2 Jesus means that after having gone out on a mission again, in the return of the journey, I would again lean on His Heart to rest, to restore my strength. you, My love, like the pupil of My Eye ... and you, in your delight noticing My eagerness to keep you for Myself, you would run to hide yourself in the shadow of My wings, like chicks running to hide under the wings of their mother, you would crouch in My warmth and I would keep you in the warmth of My Heart; then, once again, I and you would go out again, I will take you in the garden of My Mouth, there you will have your pilgrimage and you will learn in this pilgrimage, how distraught I could be when your mouths who receive Me, 3 infect your spirit and your soul by poisonous words on one another; learn from My Mouth the Truth and proclaim only the Truth all around, so let your mouth honour Me, praising Me night and day; let your mouth sing to Me, smile at Me, let it sound like a million melodies in My Ears, like the sweetest psalm of the psalmist; let your mouth be like a double-edged sword, to pull down the heresies and the traitors in My Church, but among all those who thirst for Me let your mouth be My echo and like sweet wine, teaching everyone how to win My friendship; from My Mouth you will learn, My dove, Instructions, to speak as I wish you to speak and express thoughts according to My mind, then you will pass on these learnings to others without reserve; then again like a dove which would creep in its cote to have its rest, I would call you to rest in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, while My searching gaze would be in search of your eyes; My Lord, You look after me as nobody else does; You are my Inestimable Treasure, and nobody and nothing else in the whole world gives me so much joy as You. 3Jesus means in the Eucharist.