True Life in God Messages

912 True Life in God Notebook 88 come, My loved one, from My Feet obtain strength so that your own will not feel any burden heavy to carry; when you walk in My foot-prints which will be your guide to follow My Principles, your going will be unhindered; when you are having your pilgrimage in My Feet, as you walk you will never set your feet on the path of the wicked nor will you walk the way that the evil go; but My Feet will lead you to avoid and turn your back on all evil, and pass it by; have your pilgrimage in My Feet where they would take you to tread on a levelled path where all the ways are made firm; you will turn neither to right nor to left, but will keep your feet clear of evil and far from straying from the way of Truth; and in this pilgrimage, My loved one will cry out to My angels and to My saints: “how right it is to love Him!” then I shall draw you back again into My nuptial chamber to show you how I look after My own and make you taste My sweet Love .... why this shade on your eyes, My love? What will my own Orthodox people say to all of this! 1 Here You are, pouring oil on me, behind and in front of the walls of Your Sacred Heart, yielding Your perfume on me, while embracing me with Your right Arm. They are not used to such talk! they will get used to it as soon as their soul goes to heaven .... do you want that My Messages spread out quickly? Yes Lord, I would like that no one is prevented from hearing Your Message; I want what You want: I want that everyone lends an ear to Your melodies, so that everyone can say: “I am like a son and 1Here I held my head in my two hands. daughter to the Most High, whose love for me surpasses my mother’s.” 2 so come and be like a sensible daughter and have your rest and replenish your soul from the Sources of My Sacred Heart; did you not hear before, how I take care of My own? I want to train you spiritually in My Body, and to make you strong to love sincerely and learn selfcontrol; I am like a mother feeding and looking after her own children; you need feeding right now, My dove, to gain strength and grow in My Love .... I made you responsible for delivering My Love Hymn to all nations and you still have a long way to go; but before you go out again, My sister, you must remain for a while with your eldest Brother to train your mind in His; 3 I invite you now, in the nuptial chamber of My Heart; even if you are troubled or worried, My beloved, in My Heart you will find your peace because I will remind you that nothing ever can come between you and My Love; I will reveal My beauty to you so that your soul succumbs to My charms, then in your ardour to possess Me you would offer yourself to Me, but then I, I would have already sealed your forehead with My matrimonial kiss; show Me your hands .... then look at Mine .... come and have your pilgrimage in My Hands; My Hands have done many good works that are not recorded in The Book; 4 no king has ever been known to have served his subordinates as I, who am the King of kings, served; “My state was divine, yet I did not cling 2Si. 4:11. 3 I knew that Jesus wanted now that I rest in a retreat in His Body, to recover my strength, physically and spiritually. 4Jesus meant the Bible. As His Beloved disciple said: “There were many other things that Jesus did; if all were written down, the world itself, I suppose, would not hold all the books that would have to be written.” (Jn. 21:25.)