True Life in God Messages

Notebook 88 True Life in God 911 offered to My Heart as someone offers to the loved one, a bouquet of roses; this is what I yearn for, from each one of you, from the very core of My Heart; having then directed your heart in Mine, I knew that in this closeness I would find My comfort and My delight; to rejoice your soul, I would hide none of My secrets from you; My Hands in which you placed your heart are sensitive and compassionate, My beloved, so do not fear ... 1 stretch out your hands towards the Sanctuary .... 2 I have given you a pair of hands which I kissed and anointed with a blessing so that they pluck out the thorns encircling My Heart; I have blessed them so that they do not weary of writing and remain bound to Mine for all eternity; I have anointed them so that in the end of the ceremony, 3 those hands will set a crown of glory on My Head; have you not read: “work from skilled hands will earn its praise;” 4what can I give in return to you, My chosen one, for all the miles you have made for Me, and for all the hours your feet stood, for My sake, in My assemblies? For my hunger You gave me bread5 from Heaven, for my thirst You offered me living water spurting from Your Breast; You have been gracious and loving to me, abounding in goodness, and You have never forsaken me. I grew in Your Courts where You courted my soul and all that I have obtained 1Then looking at my hands and taking them both in His Hands, He said what followed. 2 By saying Sanctuary, I knew He was referring to Himself; He took both my hands and while holding them said what follows. 3 By using the word ‘ceremony’, Jesus means ‘mission’. 4Si. 9:17. 5Meaning ‘spiritual manna’. came from You; You spoke heart to heart with me and allowed me to possess You, and as a lamp shining above my head You lighted my way to show me by which way I should go; Blessed be You, my Lord and my God from everlasting to everlasting; You have provided me; why should I then have the honour to be given something in return of Your own deeds? true, I have provided you with everything, but the fruits of your labours have touched My Heart; you have served Me voluntarily and with these precious offerings I can only be touched; so let Me offer you a retreat and a pilgrimage in My Body .... Is this what Your Sacred Heart desires? yes! yes .... come, you will have your rest in My Body; forget yourself in Me so that you take your resources from My Feet upwards; just I and you, approach Me you who desire Me and replenish yourself from Me; I will offer you this retreat and this pilgrimage in the gardens of My Body; I will accompany you everywhere and all the way to My nuptial chamber of My Sacred Heart where I always lead My chosen ones to exhale on them My charms like a scent of choice myrrh; while they repose their head on My Sacred Heart I refresh them from the living water from My Breast; and like concord between brothers and sisters, like a husband and wife who live happily together, we will enjoy each other’s presence; 6 6 I started to understand that Jesus wanted me to be all alone with Him for a while and this is why He did not let me book any meetings for several weeks. Jesus wants everyone to retreat in Him now and then.