True Life in God Messages

Notebook 84 True Life in God 877 July 4, 1996 peace be with you; I said: I will come in flaming fire; stand firm and pray with confidence; listen, My child: I know you have been deprived from writing but this was done to pay the debt of those who wronged Me; a dear brother of Mine disowns Me openly and so very often .... he grieves My Holy Spirit with his harshness; I set a child by his side; with great confidence I brought My child to him; ah .... how can he fail to see Me in My child whom I raised from the dead? how much longer am I to put up with him? why does he ruin his very self? My garments are spattered with blood, My flesh is ripped from the scourge, and I lie by his side tormented and in agony .... and you, My Vassula, bear this Cross for Me so that you will not lack; better offer you could not have .... My Father will raise your eyes to see greater things that are to come; I, Jesus, honoured you with My Cross, daughter, have My Peace; I bless you; Wisdom is by your side; I Am; July 8, 1996 Lord? I Am; never fall into temptations again .... make My Messages your life’s delight; make them known; I am by your side and Wisdom will provide you with sound teaching .... fruit of My Heart, fruit of My Mercy, I, the Lord, will help you; nevertheless, your counsellor .... 1 never 1For discretion this was omitted. forget that I am in you and you in Me; share your difficulties, your race is not over; I have given you a noble work to both of you; to you, My flower, I have given you this Message, then I have also given you spiritual gifts; I have provided you with graces and favours and as I have done wonders to the first fruits, 2 and showed My glory in them, so it will be with you too, I will show My glory and the power of My Holy Spirit when you will allow Me to engulf you in Me; and to your counsellor whom I raised for My glory and for My motives, I have given you to him to be counselled; I have given you to him that he may encourage you, console you, and look after you with care; you shall soon be seeing Me face to face together with the one I have placed by your side; be concerned now to live for My motives, bringing to Me as many souls as possible; repair My broken altars; grace is upon you; come;  July 12, 1996 (After having heard rumours that some claim that “Jesus” told them that they will be the continuation or ‘heirs’ of this work: ‘True Life in God’.) My Vassula, anyone who claims to “inherit” this Message is deluded and deceived by Satan; so open your eyes and watch! nobody, after you, will receive a “continuation” of “True Life in God” messages; the Messages of this Work will end up with you, when I lift you to Me; anyone, therefore, who claims to be the “heir” of this work, adding anything to it, know that he does not come from Me; I have blessed this 2The Apostles.