True Life in God Messages

Notebook 84 True Life in God 875 offering Me your time; realise how happy I am when you and I share everything; all I ask is love; dearest souls, keep Me always in your mind and I am glorified in that way; remember, little things please Me and become great in My Eyes; so feel loved by Me; I and you, you and I, united in love; I, Jesus, bless you for the hour of adoration given to Me; have My Peace; ic; June 13, 1996 Happy are those who keep Your ways, Blessed, whoever listens to Your Heartbeats, for they bring life .... peace be with you; My little one, you are in My Heart, so speak without fear, listen to My Spirit and write: happy the nations who learn to acclaim My Sacred Heart! they will live in the light of My favour, happy the nations who consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart; O what will I then not do for them! I will keep My promise and they will see My Throne one day; I had sworn on My Holiness to keep them secure in My Heart and so I will .... I never fail in My faithfulness, and you, be My delight in My assemblies and do not fear; there is only a short time left now and no one can evade My Hour; remember, I am your Shelter; make your home in My Sacred Heart; part never from Me; I love your sighs of thirst for Me, your God; I bless you; pray for the unrepentant; I love them too as much as I love you; My love for you is fathomless; remember, I Am is with you and for always; renew yourself in My Spirit; I Am is your Consoler and your Drink; He is your Bread; what gain, is it for anyone to win the whole world and every treasure it contains and forfeit his life? eat Me and come and drink Me, greater treasure I cannot offer you than this; I tell you in all truth: you have no life in you if you do not eat Me and drink Me; I am the Bread of Life; My Spirit is upon you, be blessed in My Holiness; ic; July 3, 1996 Are You the One who flashes Your Light in our hearts? I Am; Are You, Shaddai, whom we considered so far beyond our reach, that now show Yourself to us, You who are clothed in fearful splendour? behold! I Am; Theme, and Song of my life, are You really doing something that exceeds our knowledge and understanding? I Am; I am fulfilling My Promise; Ointment of my eyes, am I seeing right? are You, in Your faithful Love, despatching from above Your Holy Spirit? I Am; yes! how much more could I have spoken? Vassula, you see? I am coming down to be with you; My beloved ones, the Father said He will keep neither the records nor take account in His books, 1 but He will send you an outpour of His Holy Spirit quicker than planned; why, the Evil one is challenging My Power and his threats are pouring down against My Church; so why do I have to 1Meaning dates.