True Life in God Messages

874 True Life in God Notebook 84 Help us in this hour of crisis .... I, for My part, have opened the heavens to help you; I am pouring out My Spirit upon those who invoke My Holy Spirit to come and counsel them, but as I open the doors of heaven and rain down My gifts on humanity and I use the winds as messengers too, the earth rejects My gifts and My messengers, defiling both of them; I display signs and wonders, but the earth again fails to appreciate the fruits of My great Love .... fury grips Me when I see the Blessed Sacrament of My Son trampled underfoot, when I know that still, to this day, in spite of your wickedness, generation, My Son would lay down His Life, all over again, at once for you, if that were necessary! He1 opens His Mouth panting with pain and His Eyes never cease streaming with tears, disappointed with His Own for allowing evil to overpower them; how remote these are from the Truth .... and yet .... in spite of all their iniquity, My Son attends them lovingly, for there is no fathom to His Love; daughter, must I put up with that abomination? 2 today, their bodies are doomed to death, unless I hear a cry of repentance from their heart; come, daughter, persevere in your duty, and do good, and be My Echo; I, Yahweh, bless you; May 1996 (Spain) My Lord? 1Jesus Christ. 2Of which the prophet Daniel spoke. I Am; lean on Me; in My Sacred Heart find My Peace which I give to you; remember, I am with you; daughter, do not leave one stone unturned so that the Father and I will not say one day: “you have not tried your best”; favour above all, all those whose heart is as far from Me as the earth is from the sky; take My mighty Hand and do not fear; all those who want to hear will hear; come, ic; – pray, pray, pray; it is not difficult to pray; Vassula, say: “Christ is risen!” I should say it as the custom wants .... 3 yes! say it now.... (I said it.) and so I have; delight Me and praise Me! flower, My own daughter of My Church, your Christ is indeed risen; come, I bless you and all those whom I have chosen to accompany you; they shall have their reward in the end; My Father and I bless those hearts and tell them: spread Our Messages, they save .... May 23, 1996 (Egypt, Alexandria) My Lord? I Am; ah! I am well pleased with you for having understood Me; My child, realise how happy I am when all of you pray in one voice to Me, 3 For 40 days after Easter, the Orthodox has it in their tradition to greet other with: “Christ is risen”, the response is: “Truly He has risen”. Jesus wanted me to follow this tradition.