True Life in God Messages

Notebook 84 True Life in God 873 How long until Your Son’s return? 1 you have no right to ask Me, Vassula; then, on the other hand, you are still learning and I love you; but there is one thing I am willing to share with you and I will deprive you not of this knowledge: soon My Voice will be heard like a clap of thunder; I will be heard saying: “enough! enough is enough!” the earth will rent and those who rebelled against Me will see My Hand falling on them; but the vessels of My Son, I will uphold; I will come in a tempest of fire; for some, this will come as a blessing, but for those who never feared Me, that Day, they will learn to fear Me.... to this very day, they have not learned to venerate My Name and adore Me; they never ask themselves whether they are on the right road, nor do they consult My Spirit for advice; they have become like merchants going into My Sanctuary and out of My Sanctuary, buying and selling in My Son’s Name .... O evil inclination, earth so defiled! why have you, 2who consecrated yourself to My Son’s ministry, turned against Him, selling His Body and Blood? return to the service of My Son and I will make you a wonder to the souls, those very souls you drag along with you to perdition; come and repent and I will revive your spirit and brighten your eyes to see the Glory of My Spirit, He who will keep you where you ought to have been from the beginning of your ministry; come, approach Me now, so that I breathe in your tent and you will inhale life; My daughter, tell My people, tell this remnant of Mine that every attempt should be made to lessen My wrath; encourage My people, tell them that if they pray with their heart for the 1 I asked out of desperation, without thought. 2Consecrated souls who apostatised. conversion of the world, I, Yahweh, their Eternal Father, will reward them for eternity; “since mercy and wrath alike belong to Me who am mighty to forgive and to pour out wrath; My Mercy is great, but My severity is as great;” 3 I look at the earth today and wish I never did .... My Eyes see what I never wanted to see and My Ears hear what I dreaded to ever hear! My Heart as a Father sinks with grief; I fashioned man in the likeness of My Image, yet they have degraded themselves and today, so many of them have taken the likeness of the Beast! their heart is so filled with lust, lawlessness, arrogance and perversion! their mouth is accustomed to cry out high and low abusive words; they swear against all heaven to make war against Me and against My Son .... ah .... they do all that My Heart detests; very often My Hand reaches out to My Cup that brims over with My Justice .... (Later on.) tell Me, daughter, I call from on high, I do not call to startle you but to advise you; I love you .... write: (Continuation of message.) Satan today has stretched his hand all the way to reach the sacerdotal souls; a spirit of lethargy and misconception is looming over those he has touched; 4 they raise My Son’s Body without faith in them, without real praise and all day long they twist My Words and the Tradition of the Church; how can I remain silent when I see how these priests have become Satan’s prey? how can I not warn all of you of their movements? are these to go by unpunished for such a crime? 3Si. 16:11-12. 4Tempted.