True Life in God Messages

872 True Life in God Notebook 84 April 15, 1996 The fools say in their heart, “There is no God!” They are false, corrupt, vile, there is not one good man left. God is looking down from heaven at the sons of men, to see if a single one is wise, if a single one is seeking God. 1 I, Yahweh, give you My Peace; I look down from heaven, and I see plundering in My House; but I will scatter the apostates, so do not let your courage run low .... never forget who raised you up; it is I who have taken you out of your crib and who, like a tender mother carrying her child to her bosom, carried you and nursed you so that your up-bringing would be solely done in My Courts .... My Will was your daily bread and it is in this same way I shall continue to feed you; you fear without reason, am I to say that you do not trust Me anymore? allow Me to remind you of your incapacity and your inability to do whatsoever without Me; I admit that, although I am Father to you, I am also your Archer and I have you as one of My favourite targets, just so as to keep your spirit available for Me and well-disposed; devout, I want you; this is why I will continue to aim My arrows at you .... hear Me, although many are fighting against you, do not fear; they will not overcome you, because I am with you; Vassula, although the tempest blown by My Enemy, 2 full of threats, is blowing on you, do not fear, I am with you; in your days, the prophets who prophesy falsely, trumpeting all sorts of falsehoods, go by unhindered; whereas My Own prophets, who come from My Mouth, who openly 1Ps. 53:1-2. 2God means Satan. declare the Truth, My Law and how your generation apostatised and is well on its way to perdition, unless I hear from them a cry of repentance, they are being disabled and persecuted .... I have kept silent and have shut My Eyes so far, I have drawn back many times My Hand from falling upon you, generation, and so many times I have receded My decisions to redress you by fire; but how could I keep silent at the sight of this Abomination that My prophet Daniel spoke of? hear Me: in your days, many priests equip themselves for war to go against the Vicar3 of the Church; those very ones who teach whatever they please and the world loves it! they are full of compromises; to please the world they would sell My Son’s Blood! how can I see what I see and remain silent? when they hear My Voice through My prophets, their hands fall limp and do not take it as an alarm or as a heavenly sign; whereas the priests who are sound and are as Jacob, yielding at their Mother’s authority, I will betroth them for ever to Myself; I will betroth them to Myself and they will be called sons of the Most High; Satan’s hour is here; he swore from the day I raised you, daughter, to silence you; he puts all his fury against you, but I tell you, if you remain modest and without ambitions and if you maintain your vow of faithfulness to Me, to My Son, to My Holy Spirit and to your Mother of Perpetual Help, he will shrivel away from you; continue to be all that he is not; My Words in your mouth will continue to be like fire for all those4who, in their apostasy raise My Son’s Body and Blood not only without fear, but also without faith; they raise him with treachery! 3Pope John Paul II. 4God means the priests.