True Life in God Messages

Notebook 84 True Life in God 871 be able to express thoughts worthy of the Almighty’s gifts;” come, and grow in My Heart and become the heart of My Heart; – draw from My Heart all the Riches I have been given from Wisdom so that you too can learn to love the Father, My Son and the Holy Spirit; in this way you will be the child of the Mother of God; come, come and draw from My Heart the virtues I have been given, 1 they are for you too, My child; ah, I want you beautiful for My Son, and pleasing to the Father, I want you perfect for Immanuel’s Heart; I will pour from My Immaculate Heart into your heart, My child, all My graces so that your heart too will become an altar for the Most High, a censer filled with burning incense, so that you too will walk with Grace and Faithfulness; the mystery of God can be revealed only to the pure of heart and if Our Two Hearts pursue the sinners untiringly it is because of the greatness of the love We have for all of you; ah, but so many do not seem to understand or care, and make a mockery of Our Calls; when this time of Mercy will be over, the dead will not come to life; 2 Our Two Divine Hearts are wounded and are crying out with pain to all of you to amend, to pray, to fast and truly to love My Son in the Blessed Sacrament; I invite you to step in My Heart and I will hide you, I will guard you and protect you from all evil surrounding you and from the temptations; I will protect you and lift you, My child, from the tempestuous waters of sin and hide you in My Motherly Heart; My love and My affection for you are so great that the angels themselves would have liked to be in your place; the Sacred Heart of Jesus has no favourites but neither has Mine, God is just and good; 1Created without sin, from the beginning. 2 It means, it will be too late to change once this time of Mercy is over. today, daughter, and in the following days you will be in the Holy week of Jesus’ Passion for the second time, 3 you realise how Our Two Hearts feel for your division .... Our injuries to Our Two Hearts are innumerable; if the flock of the Lord is divided and dispersed, and the land reduced into a desert; if rebellion against all the Holy Rules of God has reached its peak, if today Cardinal goes against Cardinal, Bishop against Bishop and priest goes against priest, it is because your generation refused to listen to My Words; I was sent by the Most High to warn you and correct you gently, 4 but to this day your generation refuses Us a place in its heart and does not take Our Words seriously; upon you, you will draw what you have reaped; My Motherly Heart grieves to tell you this, and My Eyes weep Tears of blood, at the sight I see before Me, when the Father’s Hand will fall on you with a thundering cry: “enough! enough now!” and in a tempest of fire He will execute judgement .... Our Two Pierced Hearts are still solemnly warning you and We will persist in warning you to change your hearts and turn them towards God; only in God one can live, for He is Your daily bread, your drink and your breath .... let all the inhabitants of Our Two Hearts know that very soon now, Our Hearts, which are united into One, will triumph and many things that We foretold will be accomplished; the Sacred Heart of Jesus and My Immaculate Heart bless all of you; be one; 3The Roman Catholic Easter was from April 4-8; the Orthodox Easter, from April 11-15. 4At Fatima? Akita?