True Life in God Messages

870 True Life in God Notebook 84 heart with Us forever and ever, for My Reign in their heart will have no end; be one; April 9, 1996 (Our Blessed Mother.) My Vassula, listen to Me very carefully now: the Lord, in His Mercy, has given you this Treasure1 directly from His Sacred Heart; He has shown the power of His Arm by bringing this good news to the ends of the earth; if all of you only knew what the Lord is offering you in your times! but the Spirit of the Lord will come only to the simple and to the pure of heart and fill them with His gifts; to this day His glory shines on the lowly, and He will continue to send the rich empty away .... through this Message He is calling you to a life of Peace; God is calling all of you, for He is Father; He is calling you to amend your lives and live holy; I, your Mother, bless all those who returned to God and I praise Him whose Mercy reaches from age to age, whereas those who continue to rely on their philosophy obstinately, leading an immoral life, pray and fast for them; My Heart as a Mother is torn by their refusal and by their blindness .... ah, what pain, what thorns in My Heart, my child! and you, continue to testify in the Name of the Father, My Son, and the Holy Spirit; continue to make Their Name known and go wherever the Father, My Son and the Holy Spirit tell you to go; They will not fail you, so trust in Them; My daughter, I am always 1The Message: ‘True Life in God’. where Jesus is; We are with you; so do not fear; Love will conquer in the end .... do not be afraid of the proud of heart for although they boast of their power, they are nothing in the Lord’s Eyes; have you not heard: “the Lord of All does not cower before a personage, He does not stand in awe of greatness...” 2 “ruthless judgement is reserved for the high and mighty; the lowly will be compassionately pardoned”, 3 and He will continue to rout the proud of heart .... in these days Jesus has revealed to you My Heart; learn, My daughter, that I have inscribed your name in My Heart; I have done the same for all those who love My Son and love Me; honour Me with sacrifices, honour My Heart with the innocence of a child, honour your Mother’s Heart by refusing evil; do good and entreat your Father in heaven for the gifts of His Spirit; grow in My Immaculate Heart and I will remedy all the wounds4of your soul, so that you can become the Joy of Jesus, your Saviour, and the twilight of this dark generation; grow in your Mother’s Heart, so that your whole being glitters like some precious stones with the Light5 I am enveloped with, that hordes of nations will come then to you, attracted by your beauty, 6 and when they will ask: “who modelled you to be glittering like a thousand gems?” testify and say: “I was modelled within the Purest of Hearts, taking shape in this same Heart our Redeemer blossomed and took flesh and blood, so that I become the child of the Mother of God too; in this way I would 2Ws. 6:7. 3Ws. 6:6-7. 4This is to be understood as ‘sins’. 5Our Lady means, the Holy Spirit. 6 In Our Lady’s heart our soul can be embellished but we are without merit.