True Life in God Messages

Notebook 83 True Life in God 869 ornament of beauty in the Ornament of Beauty; “let my heart, Lord, desire and long to gaze on Your Sanctuary1 to see Your Power and Authority, to gaze in the Treasury of the Sanctuary and feast most richly; do not allow my soul, any more, Lord, to go down to the earth below, like Cain or Esau, but lift my soul to Her Most Holy Heart to become an heir too by receiving, like Jacob, heavenly blessings;” 2 – come, let your thoughts be on heavenly things now so that you will be able to comprehend what Wisdom is hiding from you; for this you need selfabasement and repentance; the mystery that had been hidden for generations is now being revealed to you; your hope of salvation is at your hand’s reach; have you not noticed how, in these end of times, the Queen of Peace is passing over the earth, escorted by My Angels? have you not noticed how Her Immaculate Heart is proclaiming My Word to you all and preparing My Reign? have you not noticed how your Blessed Mother’s Heart is training Her children and forming them Heart to heart so that everyone is ready for My Reign? have you not noticed how, from Her Treasury, She is perfecting you in Her Heart for Me? I have given the Queen of Heaven and earth all the jewels of Wisdom in Her Heart, and from this treasury She gives abundantly Her graces to take you out of the power of darkness and make you great saints and apostles, and great warriors to join Her in this great battle of your times; with Her Maternal love, the Queen of Heaven seeks all ways to obtain your freedom so that you gain heaven; She 1Mary’s Heart. 2All this was like a confession given to us by Jesus so that we say it. instructs you and reminds you that you, too, are Her child, belonging by grace to the imperial household of the Saints in heaven and that She reserved for you, too, a throne among the Saints; – there is nothing I cannot do for the Delight-of-My-Heart3 because from the beginning there was nothing in Her that would see things differently from the way My Father, I, and the Holy Spirit would see them; Our4Will was in perfect union with Her will; Her desires were Our desires; for I am the Heart of Her Heart, the Soul of Her Soul, the Spirit of Her Spirit; have you not heard of Our Oneness in Heart, Soul and Spirit? – My state on earth, as God-Man, was divine, yet I was obedient, living under the authority of My Mother and My Adoptive Father; I emptied Myself to assume the condition of a slave by accepting death, and you, generation, have not yet understood that the True Vine cast His roots in the Vineyard5 of My Father, and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit; the City of God, 6 the Promised Land, is your Mother too, in whom you owe honour; ah, generation, how could your heart have taken such a deceptive path to abstain from Her intercession? have you not read: “the Lord God will give Him the throne of His ancestor David?” 7 the Queen of heaven and earth is My Throne too; She is Throne of your King, who was made flesh from David’s line .... the Lord your God, “would rule over the House of Jacob forever and ever and His Reign will have no end;” 8 the Jacobs of today are Her children, the apostles of the end of times, and the great Saints that through My Mother’s Heart are raised and formed, to be one 3Mary, our Blessed Mother. 4Holy Trinity. 5Our Blessed Mother. 6Our Blessed Mother. 7Lk. 1:32. 8Lk 1:33.