True Life in God Messages

868 True Life in God Notebook 83 sovereignty will be uprooted by the powerful Hand of Mary; 1 in all truth I tell you: there is no one on earth or in heaven, or in the angelic powers that has been given such great authority and power over all, as your Blessed Mother, after My Power and My Authority; for I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the One who is, who was, and who is to come; I suffice by Myself, as you know, but it is through Mary’s Virginal Heart that My Redemptive plan began, and it will be again through this Holy Heart that I will accomplish My Salvation plan; so honour Her Heart, you who fly into a rage at the sound of Her Name, and understand that She is the Joy of My Sacred Heart, the Joy of My celestial court; Her thoughts from the day of Her Conception were always in union with My thoughts; Her Heart, in total submission to My Father’s Will, was an incessant prayer, an incessant hymn of love, an adoration to Me, your triune God, but One in the unity of essence; – today, in these end of times, where the battle is raging on Our Two Hearts, 2 and on Our children who witness the Truth, I tell you: run to your Blessed Mother, who, like a hen who hides her chicks under her wings, will hide you, too, under Her Mantle; ah ... but so many of you have perished even before you were born, with all the prohibitions to the devotions you once had on Her Virginal Heart! all because of your human doctrines and your rationalistic regulations, you have regulated your heart and your life according to this worldly life; O slaves of Sin! slaves of money! slaves of Satan! consider yourselves dead and putrefied! 1 Fatima’s message: “In the end My Heart will triumph.” 2Allusion to Rv. 11: ‘The Two Witnesses’. well then, your time of lust is almost over now; have you not heard that the Splendour of Dawn3 is going to reign and shine in each heart that has been consecrated to Our Two Divine Hearts from which they will obtain divinisation? that divinisation that the human race lost at its fall .... since sin entered the world through one man, and through sin, death; yet My plan of Redemption was to be laid out by Mary’s CoRedemptive Heart, the second Eve, perfected in the Image of God, so that I, the New Adam, would find My Paradise in Her Immaculate Heart; will I hear from you, generation: “my heart is ready, Lord, to learn to love and honour the Tabernacle that carried Your Sacred Heart; it is true, that from the womb I have gone astray, I have been in error since my birth; like Esau I have been running away from my Mother to look after my interests and achieve them by harrying others; I have been depending on my own strength; I hated my brother who, contrary to my heart, meditated on how to please our Mother’s Heart and remained near Her, receiving in abundance Her Graces; I have not been like Jacob and his descendants; “Lord, my heart is ready to learn and love with honour the Sanctuary of the Sanctuary Most Holy, so that no deceit will enter any more in my spirit ever so spiteful, who harassed, like Cain, his brother then finally killed him; I will stop hounding those who belong to Her Immaculate Heart but instead turn to the Virgin of virgins and become another little Jacob, so that in Her Graciousness, She pours out of Her Virginal and Immaculate Heart, on me, abundant graces so that my soul, once Hers, will feast on Her riches, making my heart an 3Jesus means His Reign to come.