True Life in God Messages

Notebook 83 True Life in God 867 sacred lamp-stand, I found Her Heart, shining from within and without; I have been welcomed in this Paradise to be glorified; what had been lost1 and profaned by Eve was to be gained2 and sanctified by the Virgin Mary through Her perfect obedience and humility; and through this Woman, My Reign on earth will once more come; My Reign on earth will be founded in each heart; once more there will be poured on you My Spirit, so lavishly, that this aridity of now will be transformed into a fertile land; it had been said that at the end of times, Our Two Hearts would raise apostles, and they would be called: apostles of the end of times; these would be instructed by the Queen of Heaven and by Myself, to go forward in every nation, to proclaim without fear the Word of God, even when they would be drenched with blood, by the Enemy’s vicious attacks, they shall not be broken; their tongue would pierce the enemies of My Church, like a double-edged sword, by exposing their heresies; they would never stagger, nor would they know fear, because I would provide them with a spirit of courage; the destructive whip would not catch them; they would not leave one stone unturned; they would pursue the sinners, the lofty speakers, the great and the proud, the hypocrites, the traitors of My Church, they would pursue them with My Cross in one hand, and the rosary in the other; and We would stand by their side; they would shatter the heresies and build faithfulness and truth in their place; they would be the antidote of the poison, because they would sprout, like buds, from the Royal Heart of Mary; 3 1Eve lost the entry to Paradise for Herself and all her children. 2Mary gained the entry to Paradise and for all Her children by the Redemption and Sacrifice of Jesus. 3Jesus means that Mary will form them. these apostles of the end of times would call on God, their Father, and God, their Father, would call on their spirit; they would call on Mary, their Blessed Mother, and their Blessed Mother would call on them to become witnesses of the Most High; and the Holy Spirit would give them a spirit of zeal to be ready for God, to be ready for this Battle, that day, the haughty crown of the powers of evil will be trampled underfoot by the Woman adorned with the sun, and by all Her children; the second Eve, in whom I have given enough power to overthrow Satan and his empire, will crush his head with Her heel; this enmity is not only given between the Queen of heaven and Satan, but it is given as well between Her children whose empire is in Her Heart, and the children of the Devil, who have built their kingdoms in him and through him, and who are in your days your biggest persecutors; many of these are worshippers of the Beast, the scholars and the philosophers of your times .... I, in My Trinitarian holiness, had chosen this humble Maiden to become in Her perfect virtues and graces, the Woman who would challenge, by Her virtues and graces, the entire kingdom of Lucifer, who constantly flies into a rage and who trembles with fear at the sound of Her Name; I tell you, no less than the height of heaven over the earth is the greatness, the power and the splendour of Her Name; let all who live on earth revere before the Queen’s Heart; She has never ceased protecting Her children from the ambushes of the Evil one, who, in your times, has4 set out openly to give battle to My Sacred Heart, and to all the army of My saints; but soon, the empire of the Evil one will be broken up and his 4The Evil one.