True Life in God Messages

866 True Life in God Notebook 83 March 26, 1996 My Peace I give to you; in this Peace receive My Message .... 1 all he has to do is read My message, then let him decide; daughter, all creation obeys Me .... Yes, the creation obeys You, but Your creatures, not all of them obey You! no .... not all of them obey Me; many of them are tempted, and want to win the approval of men rather than Mine .... many are more eager to please men before Me, their God; and for some, it is only self-interest that makes them disobey Me; others have not yet decided to put behind them their passions, their self-indulgences, they sin as much as they breathe; I have talked about judging others and how their tongue will be the cause of their condemnation, yet, on this, I can add one more thing: the mouths that spit fire, by snapping on people, tearing them to pieces, these too will suffer since they grieve My Holy Spirit; My Holy Spirit’s ways are so different! anyone led by My Spirit is given the grace to observe My Laws and My Ways which are gentle, loving and so perfect; I am the Source of Love and Jesus is My Name; but the Evil one is the source of Evil and all wickedness .... daughter, never lose courage; let your life become an ornament of beauty, a wreath of flowers, an increasing smoke of incense, so that the Image of the unseen God becomes visible to you for all eternity; remain faithful to Me; I am by your side; never fear! praise Me, daughter; peace ....  1 I asked Jesus what will happen if someone will not obey, or listen to His requests. My Lord, my Life, my Family, I am part of You and my spirit exults in You. I bless Your Name for ever and ever. Celebrate, creation, God’s acts of power, and praise Him who raises the lowly. How can any mortal doubt on Your marvellous interventions? My Vassula, let your life be an incessant prayer to Me .... let no one deceive you by telling you that God has no means of approaching His people .... do not allow these people to disturb your spirit; incense of Mine, pray for these people so that they, too, come and drink from My Fountain and be revived; if they are ill-disposed and are reluctant to hear and understand, it is because they have abandoned Me and My Laws; ah ... 2 Vassula, My flower, this generation has become a land of drought; pray for the conversion of the world; ic; April 3, 1996 My Vassula, My little pupil of these end of times, I will dictate to you now a heavenly discourse on My Mother’s Heart .... as I have said to you previously; My Mother’s Heart and Mine are so united that They become One; the Virgin of virgins, the Holiest, forever now in Heaven, My Mother, continues to be proclaimed in Heaven as: My Mother; 3 when I, God, descended to be conceived by the Holy Spirit and be born by the Virgin Mary, I came into My heaven! I descended from one heaven into the other, I left one throne to sit on the other; like the lamp shining on the 2A sigh. 3Title of: “Mother of God”, “Theotokos”.