True Life in God Messages

Notebook 83 True Life in God 865 serve and not to be served; I, the Redeemer of all mankind, the promised Messiah, came to the perfect image of My Sacred Heart to share the sorrows, the joys, the sufferings, the martyrdom, the wonders, the betrayals, the agonies, the scourging, the piercing, and the crucifixion; together, Our Hearts atoned; all the moments My Holy Mother spent on earth were a perfect hymn of love, charity, humility and purity; a treasure from My treasures; I came in this Holy Heart, image and likeness to My Sacred Heart, to become God-Man so that I follow Her steps1 and that later on She follows Mine; 2 I have said that She and I shared everything all the way to the Cross; Our union was so intimately perfect that We did not need speech, for the sole utterance was in Our Heart; My words and My thoughts did not need to be carried to Her in My absence; in the supreme power of My Holy Spirit, everything was known to Her; in Her virginal Heart everything was known to Her, since She possessed God and God possessed Her; in this way Her daily nourishment was the Will of the Eternal Father; oh creation! My Soul is in utter dismay when so many of you deny Her Heart! and My Angels tremble for that day I will pronounce these people, guilty! but for those who honoured Her and loved Her, the Gate of Her Heart will be open for you to step into heaven; and I will say to you who love and honour Her: “come! your love for Her was so great on earth that today you may come to your room and before My Holy Temple3bow down;” 1When Jesus was a child following His Mother. 2 I understood that Mary followed Jesus in His Mission. 3Our Blessed Mother: The Temple of God. creation, this Great Sign4 in heaven, the Woman adorned with the Sun that holds the demons paralysed with fear, this Great Sign that illuminates the heavens terrifying the Darkness5 is none other than My Mother; in contrast to the darkness I raised this Most Holy Virgin to be for all of you a Pillar of blazing fire by night to guide your step, and by day a Sun to illuminate your dreadful gloom; – that day I was conceived by the Holy Spirit in Her virginal Womb, all the demons were paralysed with fright while in heaven at the same time a great throng of the heavenly host were praising God and singing: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace to men who enjoy His favour;” thus, I descended from heaven to heaven, from My throne to My throne .... yes, where every virtue was blossoming, ravishing My Sacred Heart by the fragrance of Her perfect Love; My Perfect One’s Heart is unrivalled and altogether lovable ... Her Heart, since Her Immaculate Conception was an incessant prayer, an atoning incense, an incessant adoration for God; this is My Vineyard6 whom My Father’s powerful Hand cultivated so that the True Vine puts His root in that soil; come to the Heart of your Blessed Mother, which is as bright as day; come and receive Her graces, which are so innumerable and that flash in rays from Her Hands; My Heart, which is full of grace and truth, was made flesh in the Virginal Womb full of grace and truth; and now, Our Two Hearts, joined in One, will conquer Bitter Plague, not by physical strength nor by force of arms, but by love and sacrifice; 4Rv. 12:1. 5The Devil. 6Our Lady.