True Life in God Messages

864 True Life in God Notebook 83 overshadowed by the Holy Spirit;” have you not heard how the nations will come to Her Light and that the kings will come to Her dawning brightness, when in the end Her Heart will triumph together with Mine? mystery for the rich in heart, but for the poor and lowly a Blessing so longed for .... O come! before the floods of sin overtake you! come in this Ark1 that can save you; do not be like your ancestors in the days of Noah, who did not listen; come into the Ark and you will be saved from the tempestuous waters of sin, and from perishing in the floods of sin; come and become the promised child of the Mediatrix as a result of the devotion you would have had for Her; in your devotion for Her you will be devoting yourself to Me; every devotion, honouring Her Heart, will amplify and ascend on Me since Our union is so perfect; in your devotion for Her Heart, all My decrees will be better understood in Her Light, because your steps will be guided by Her Heart since your hand will be taken by the Throne of Graces Herself; how blessed you will be to repeat your devotion to Her Heart! come to the One, so Blessed, who shows Her Motherly Love to Her children by showing them the way to heaven; come to the Co-Redemptress of your Redeemer whose Heart, burning with Love, was offered to be pierced too for your sake; come and honour this Heart, alight as a Lamp, shining within and without near My Heart; if you say: “we have no use for Her Heart”, know that in reality you are saying: “we have no use for the Lord’s Heart!” learn, feeble man, that My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of your Mother are so united that in their perfect unity those Two Divine Hearts become One; I tell you solemnly: 1 In our Blessed Mother’s Heart. if you acknowledge Her Heart, not only will you be acknowledging My Heart but also the Father’s; have I not said that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? if I am in the Father and the Father is in Me, My Heart, too, is in the Father and His Heart is in Mine; to say that We are not inseparable and One, is to deny My Word; do not be the slave of your spirit and do not be won by the arguments of the world; tell Me, which creature’s heart is like unto Mary’s Heart? there is none like unto Mary’s Heart; perfect from the beginning, Immaculate from birth2 and full of Grace, surpassing in its grace My Angels’ graces; this is why My Angels in throngs questioned one another: “who is this, behind Her veil?”; “why are the crests of the mountains bowing down low, saluting Her, as She passes them by?”; “who is this without a blemish in Her Heart and so pleasing to God?”; “have you seen how all God’s creation lowers its gaze as She passes by?”; “who is She who is like a fountain that makes the gardens fertile by Her graces, this well of living water?”; “who is She, with a Heart so pure with divine love, aspiring for God day and night, night and day, and in perfect union with the Most High?”; “who is this Virgin who is so humble over Her great wealth of virtues and graces, that the supreme God’s Eyes never leave Her?”; many of My Angels remained silent in admiration, words had failed them .... it is in that Heart, in that Abyss of grace, I exercised My power; the Author of heaven and earth, the Author of grace found His heaven in heaven, His grace in grace, to come in the condition of a slave; I came to Prodigious Humility3 to 2She was conceived Immaculate. 3Our Blessed Mother.