True Life in God Messages

Notebook 83 True Life in God 863 born to be My honour and My boast, the Spirit with Me and the Father said: “Mary full of grace, We are with you; We will hide none of the secrets from You, Our Breath will be your breath, pure emanation of Our Glory, Mary, Our image of Our Goodness, We give you Our Peace in Your Heart; in this perfect Heart I, the Son, shall triumph; Our Heart will be Your Heart, a burning furnace of divine love; Our Soul will be Your Soul, 1 an august treasure, a Paradise for Us; Our Spirit will be Your Spirit; yes, for anyone who is joined to Us is one spirit with Us;” this is the One whom We so highly favoured, the One whom so many reject and yet is the ointment of your eyes, the balm to your wounds, the merciful plea to the Eternal Father for your pleas; the intercessor and your advocate of your soul; feeble man .... the Spouse of My Holy Spirit is the Temple of the Temple, the promised land of the weak and the wretched, the reflection of My eternal Light; the consoler of Your Consoler is the comfort of your sorrows .... what has man to say? what can man say in his tent? how can he discover anything celestial in his perishable body when his soul is weighed down by sin, what the all-powerful Hand of My Father has done? you govern your mind, man, with no light, no sense; today, man, open your heart, then all the mysteries that appeared to you fathomless will be revealed to you by My Divine Light, thrice Holy, and you will understand who the Woman adorned with the sun is; then, your whole being will be lifted and your heart will be exulted and in rapture when your eyes will be unveiled to see the Blessed Heart 1Soul should be understood as life, as in Lk. 9:24. of the blessed hearts, the Most Holy of saints, the Incomparable Heart, burning with unlimited love, a fire alight and so bright; then, My friend, you will understand what Virtue is, and how in this Virtuous Virginal Heart, I, God, became GodMan; you will see the Mother of your Saviour, Mother of the prophets, Mother of the disciples, Mother of charisms, Mother of Triumph, Mother of unlimited graces, Mother of unequalled Redemption; the Vineyard of the True Vine, the Path to the Path that leads everyone to Me, the Gate wide open to heaven for everyone to enter and have everlasting life; – have you not noticed how My Heart melts and favours always Her Heart? how can this Heart, who bore your King, be denied anything She asks from Me? all the faithful bless Her Heart for in blessing Her Heart you will be blessing Me; Queenly and adorable you will proclaim Her once you get to know Her; so lift your eyes, creation, at the sight of Her Heart and I promise you, you will never stop growing in radiance; your heart will be lifted in to the furnace of Her Heart, and, throbbing with delight and full, you will enter Her Heart as one entering an ocean of love, since the riches of Her Heart are as wide as the Sea that flows to you and you to this Sea; the Wealth of heaven and earth lie all in Her Heart and they can be all for you! though night still covers your mind and heart, arise! arise and lift your eyes at this radiant sight of Her Heart, that so many prophets wanted to see in their time, but had not seen It; arise and sing a new hymn to the Hymn of the Most Holy Trinity, sing and say: “brothers! sisters! come and be covered by the Mantle of Grace in Grace; come and be covered by the Queen’s Light; come, let us be overshadowed by the One who was