True Life in God Messages

862 True Life in God Notebook 83 in which I was conceived and became God-Man too; 1 no one glorified Me as much as the Woman adorned with the sun; yes! She is so superbly beautiful in Her perfect Love that the islands the mountains, the hills, the valleys and the springs all bow low when She passes by them; and today as yesterday, when Most Fair Love passes over the earth, escorted by My Angels whose eyes never cease admiring the Admirable, Holiest of all Virgins, marvelling at the Beauty of My Father’s Masterpiece, when She passes over the earth, She lovingly intervenes, and answers your entreaties; let Me tell you: My Sacred Heart is your heaven; creation, My Sacred Heart, that so many of you deny and refuse, is your Heaven; your Paradise, your Kingdom; your Inheritance, your Placeof-Rest for Eternity; so approach this Heart that loves you so and I will pour out, from My Heart, in your heart countless blessings, to turn your soul as fair as springtime, to turn your soul into an ivory tower, a heaven for Myself alone; how can anyone doubt of My Love? ah, beloved, every time you doubt of My Love, the sun darkens in My distress .... today, I want to display, in My great Love, the Heart of My Mother, 2 3 “O Masterpiece of My Father! O Sublime Masterpiece of Yahweh! Spouse to My Holy Spirit! My Radiant Tabernacle! Your Heart, Beloved of the Beloved, 4 is One with Ours! Your Heart is My enclosed garden, a sealed fountain; your Heart is a Fountain that makes the gardens fertile; your Heart, 1Jesus adds ‘too’ because He is God as well. 2 I felt Jesus’ Heart melting with love when pronouncing the word “Mother”. 3With a loud cry Jesus was speaking to our Lady. 4 I understood “Beloved” to mean the Beloved Trinity. Adorable One, is My Throne, on which I have been honoured; Heart of the Heart, whom I crowned in Our presence and in the presence of all My celestial court, 5 how can any of My creatures deny Your Heart? 6You, the Ark of power, all vested in virtues, My New Song, 7My Harp, My Citadel, in whom the Maker of heaven and earth is ravished by Your magnificence, You who stand in Our Presence, stand ever so close to all who invoke You; yet, how has man fallen so low and taken a deceptive path to deny Your Heart?” have you not heard, creation, that I am the Heart of Her Heart? the Soul of Her Soul, the Spirit of Her Spirit? have you not heard that Our Two Hearts are united in One? consider My Redemptive Heart, consider Her Co-Redemptive Heart, consider the Delight of My Heart, rising like the dawn to brighten the earth in its darkness, consider the Queen’s Heart that shines on mankind brighter in Her radiance than all the constellations put together; more resplendent than the sun; radiant as My Glory because of Her unique perfection; consider the Tabernacle of your God; consider and esteem highly as I esteem My Throne; do not ask: “how could it be that the Most High has assigned Her such a high throne in His Celestial Courts?” look, not only have I assigned Her as the Queen of My Angels and My creatures but I have assigned Her to be My Throne; the Queen of heaven and earth is the Throne of the King of kings, for I, the Lord of All, have placed Her as first in My Sacred Heart; born to be My Crown of Splendour, born to be the Vessel of the True Light who was made flesh from David’s line, 5Suddenly Christ lowered His Voice, becoming sad. 6Jesus at the same time was sad and amazed. 7 I understood that it meant the New Eve.