True Life in God Messages

Notebook 83 True Life in God 861 creature! you have still a long way to go, but the prize will be yours too if you accept ardently all that I am offering you; My bride, do not fear, if in every course you take, you have Me in your mind: look, in one Hand I have a seed that once sown it will grow, giving you contentment for all that you will be able to achieve for Me, never wearying; and it will adorn your neck because honours will be worn around your neck like an ornament of beauty; and your head will be covered by perfumes dripping like dew from your hair; now, look in My other Hand .... see this seed? this, once sown, will give you the bread of suffering, it will also be to your profit; 1 there will be wounds and wounds again, and again; and I will raise your closest friends to turn into your biggest persecutors; you will stifle and moan; I shall honour you with My Thorned Crown, My Nails and My Cross; I will, My friend, offer you to drink daily from My Cup until the bitterness of My Cup will not give you a moment to draw breath; now, come and choose one of the seeds; if you choose the first one, you will have your suffering later on; – choose! I want Your Will. You are God and You choose for me. very well then, My bride, I will choose the second seed; you will be persecuted, but never by your closest friends; I will not allow it; ah, how I rejoice, for you have behaved as I would have you behave, leaving everything in My Hands and remaining a Nothing; are you finally realising that I suffice by Myself? I do not intend to hide My Inexhaustible Riches in these times of need but I will cast them out through your nothingness; 1Profit = sanctification. with little time left now, do not delay, for I am afflicted beyond your understanding; hurry, for death is imminent out there in the desert; delight in Delight; I bless you; ic; March 20, 1996 (This message was received from March 20-26, 1996. The Annunciation was on March 25, 1996.) I am your servant and I am here to serve You. Majesty, without You I am nothing. Pure contentment of my soul, I am listening. My beloved, come and learn: who has exalted Me most? I will tell you who exalted Me most: the New Eve has; yes! the Woman adorned with the sun, standing on the moon, with the twelve stars on Her Head for a crown; 2 for I who made heaven and all that is in it, and earth and all it bears and the sea and all it holds3 have placed Her above all these things; 4 the Queen of heaven is always in the presence of the Most High’s throne; no less than the height of heaven over earth is the greatness of Her Name; Her Name, wrapped in a robe of light; let the whole world bend their knee to Her who bears the Sacred Name: Mother of God; in her Immaculate womb She glorified Me by receiving Me, the unblemished Lamb, making a sanctuary for the Sanctuary; come and sing a new song in Her honour, let all who live on earth revere Her Immaculate Heart, the Altar 2Rv. 12:1. 3Rv. 10:6. 4The sign of this is that She stands on the moon.