True Life in God Messages

860 True Life in God Notebook 83 that will last; the Amen is with you; go round offering all that you have learnt from Me; by the power of My Holy Spirit you shall walk, you shall talk, you shall move hearts, you shall cast out devils, you shall uproot evil and you shall plant goodness; and I will rejoice at My choice; rejoice, too, in your God; even after your death, your body will still keep prophesying; – you see My Spirit will express Himself through your body; I, and I only, preached to you: “Salvation”; My Power is at its best in weakness, I have found Weakness and I have become your real Friend; you want now to be pleasing to Me? Yes, my God and Father. work faithfully in My Name, thrice Holy and carry out My Command in union with the one1 I have united you with and healed and let him put up more generously with the faults of the weak whom I have raised and blessed; stand your ground for this work of Mercy; resist evil and cling to Me; go, and do not be afraid to declare the truth; My Holy Spirit will remove all bounds to the truth; My Name: Peace and Love; March 19, 1996 Vassula-of-My-Sacred-Heart: the Viper, it is the Viper that brings death that is crawling around you all; he tempts, he waits, he waits for your fall; then death does not delay to come; ah .... My Sacred Heart is in pain .... 1Fr. O’Carroll. Lord, I am here, what can I do for You to relieve Your pain? follow My Command2 to the letter! death must not come; can you see what I see every day? no .... no you cannot see what I see .... I am losing thousands of lives; 3 I am losing so many .... every day! have you seen what I have seen out there in the desert? there are thousands who are starving and are thirsty for consolation, hope and love; there are thousands who are naked and in need of My words; My compassion extends to everything that lives! but, look! the Tempter wants to beggar you so that you will have nothing to offer; come, stretch your hand out to the needy; do not fail the starved waiting out there; do not shrink from visiting the sick; – Vassula, I had resolved to have you as My bride so that you follow Me; I made you My bride and I have placed My Lamp4 inside you, so that in the Light of My Holy Spirit and through His Power you would start reasoning not as mortals reason, but as My angels in heaven are reasoning; I, then, fortified you with My Spirit of Fortitude to withstand the heavy blows of the enemy and to stand your ground; I have given you My Spirit of Counsel to show you what delights Me most; I have opened the gates to heaven and shown you My saints5 who journeyed through poverty, but fed and covered the naked, who journeyed through humility and obedience, leaving space for My Spirit to act in them and produce through their loyalty, prodigies; they have journeyed through mortification, spittle and suffering, but rejoiced all the more for this honour and asked for more while offering everything to Me; – 2Message of March 18, 1996. 3Jesus was crying very hard and was in agony. 4Jesus means the Holy Spirit. 5Vision of September 27, 1987.