True Life in God Messages

Notebook 82 True Life in God 859 Kingdom, I am King in you ..... through this weakness I shall break the power of the wicked; 1 I bless you, My child; February 12, 1996 My Lord? I Am; learn, My Vassula, from the saints; I am not a complicated God, I am not far either; I do not hide My Face nor do I keep anyone in the dark; My mere Presence is Light! many of you say: 2 “Lord bring us something new ...”; this is the spirit of Antichrist and this spirit is at large in the world; I will bring you nothing new; I have died, I have risen, I am the First and the Last; he who believes in Me will have everlasting life; I am alive forever and in glory, and I hold the keys of death and of Hades; there are still things to come, but everything has been written until the end of Times; I will come to restore your sight with My Spirit to accomplish what I have said .... that in the end I shall triumph; today still My land is being divided, riven, and in My House and My household there is selling and buying; to the prophets I am sending them, they say: “do not prophesy”; that time I was telling you previously has come, when Cardinal will go against Cardinal, bishop against bishop; priest against priest; the Divider’s power has infiltrated like smoke into My House to besiege My land; his destructive work is strong and 1 “My Power is at its best in weakness” (2 Co. 12:9). 2 This message was given five minutes before a telephone call for an interview on Radio Dublin. The interviewer ended by asking: “Is Jesus saying something new to us?” his favourite targets are My consecrated souls; he turns their thoughts to follow the passions of their hearts; the Rebel, wherever he passes leaves his curse behind .... he has sworn to lift you one against another; he has sworn, in his fury, to sift you all, especially My consecrated ones and plunder them; he has sworn to use you all as his toy; I tell you: anyone whose heart is not upright will succumb, but the upright will live through faithfulness; be strong Vassula, I, Jesus, bless you and your comrades; do not judge; we, us? I love you; peace; ic; February 20, 1996 Please Lord, look at this branch of Yours. Visit it and check on it. It has been shaken. Has the Vine felt how it was tormented? yes, since the branch belongs to Me, the true Vine; My branch, do not worry as long as you are part of the true Vine and bear fruit; My Love heals; count on Me and on no one else; pray more and ask for more from Me; why do you shy away from Me? come to Me, child, and you will obtain; I love you .... allow My Finger on your lips so that from these will echo My Words; accept all that comes from Me; rest in Me and allow Me to rest in you; I am Lord, I am the Alpha and the Omega, so deepen your faith in Me; dearest child, love one another and never fail Me; My Love is in your heart to console you; come; ic; March 18, 1996 peace be with you; My Command to you is: 3 go out where I send you to bear fruit 3God had a very powerful and commanding Voice.