True Life in God Messages

858 True Life in God Notebook 82 without giving him My Heart? see, I am your Friend; no one can say: “the Lord imposes His orders on us ....” and to you, daughter, I say: “I am glad you have not broken your pact with My Father; I shall use your generosity to bless every man on earth and pour out My Mercy before the day of disaster; I will pour out a spirit of kindness and prayer; I tell you, I, the Lord, will turn you into a Fortress, I shall build you strong with My power;” ah .... My Heart rejoices in you! let our eyes meet and feast in this joy! I will bring many back to Me, those that have been led astray will finally return to Me .... come, lean on the God of your Joy! never lose heart, remember, I too, when I was condemned and given My Cross to carry, I fell on the same ground that bears you all, but I was lifted up to complete My Work; learn then from your Saviour; in the end the gain will be yours .... the breath of Omnipotence will lift you up again; from your ordeals I shall draw life1 in abundance; know this: your Father will answer you from His Holy Place; at your side I Am .... My Father .... I Am; 2 today I will give you to the nations and I will be your encircling Shield ... today you have crowned Me with glory; tyranny and injustice are surrounding innocent blood and My Heart was ready to lift you from Tyranny, how could I remain silent when I watch your oppressors lurking to ambush you and your counsellor? how could I remain silent when what I hear is: “how shall we track them down?” but here is the consolation I am offering you: 3 seek to 1Conversions. 2The Eternal Father speaks. 3To all of us. do good, maintain4 justice, I am with you .... remain faithful, the times are so evil; I do not want to say one day: “look, there is My daughter, she lies all alone on her soil, with no one to lift her up;” I filled your5 nostrils with My Strength, and I lit a flame inside you to maintain justice .... all that you do, do so in a spirit of gentleness, 6 even if your testimony is not accepted, be in peace; do not look to your left nor to your right; many will rise declaring they are sent by Me; 7 do not be sold to them again .... do not be afraid, you will not be put to shame; – and to you, My daughter, I will comfort you and all those who trust Me; the times are evil, but, remember, your Creator leans tenderly over you all; work with peace in My Name; adorn My Name with your love and continue to plant vineyards in arid lands; I am your Father, let Me be your consolation, remembering that My Love for you will never leave you; – and you8who say: “I protest against such injustice, there is no reply, if I appeal against it, judgement is never given; they have stolen my honour away....” I tell you: if they denied you what your pen entreated, be in peace .... what more honour could they have given you? in the end, My friend, will I not see that Justice be given? I am Lord and My blessing is yours; I know you valiant in battle, 9 but leave this honour to Me; continue to plant in My House .... I will see that you will continue to remain fresh so that you bear fruit in spite of your old age; daughter, your consent out of your love for Me touched Me to tears .... happy are you who are poor; yours is My 4 It sounded like: “Keep up”. 5Fr. O’Carroll. 6 I heard simultaneously ‘firmness’ too. 7False prophets. 8Fr. O’Carroll. 9 I sensed God’s humour and my heart leapt with joy!