True Life in God Messages

Notebook 82 True Life in God 857 and your Divine Father, has decided to lift your soul to Him .... I am making no secret of this, yes! My Father stood up, His cry echoing in every heavenly ear; He stood up, He who fostered you, father-like and who guided you, offering you as His gift to humanity, to take you back to Him; being God He does not fail to see your innocence; being God, He does not see as mankind sees and I tell you, He has risen, 1 for the tyranny they inflict on you has outweighed every measure put together .... My question to you is: “do you want your Father who is in Heaven to snatch you from the tyrants’ hands and from falsehood’s lips?” Lord, have I not made a pact with You? I made a pact with my eyes, not to see for the first three days of my life. I had made a pact with my Creator and my Beloved to remain in the dark and forbid my eyes to see the sun in its glory and the glow of the moon streaking on me so that I may accomplish my mission till the end and glorify You. My Vassula, to you I ask again: “do you want to prolong your suffering, My child, on earth, or do you want to wake up in the morning in My Light, in Our embrace surrounded by thousands of angelic voices where safety, glory and Sweetness Itself will surround you?” Ah, my God, my soul thirsts for You. My soul longs for You. I could simply say now: “Come! come and rescue me to enjoy Your closeness forever.” My soul melts within me with love for You. My spirit can be succumbing into Your Hands any moment now and I could be, if I wished, 1 “Risen”, is for “stood up”. on my way to the House of my God among the cries of joy and praise and an exultant throng, I can be with the God of my Joy! But, I want to be an object of scorn among the dead and their pestilential tyranny of me. Fatherless I am not, You are with me; Scriptures say: “If a man is innocent, You, my Saviour, will bring him freedom.” You have given my hand free play now, to choose. Holy One, I want nothing for my own and then, it is You who endowed me with life, with joy, binding me to You. And, it is You who watched each breath of mine with tender care and so the Song You want to sing can continue to be sung for the freedom of many nations and You can continue playing on Your harp, my God, for the Beast will cower before You in the end. Use me as an object of scorn and have me still where dimness and disorder hold sway and where light itself is like the dead of night. but they are molesting you! For the greatest of Your Glory! Let it be. Let them molest me. My daughter, let it be then as you wish; I bless you in Our Trinitarian Holiness; but tell Me: what shall I do when My Father stands up again? Remind Him of our pact, Lord. at this My own Heart melts .... My remnant, I will save many by your very wretchedness, by your generosity, but remember, every motion of yours that honours Me comes from Me .... so avoid any tendency to self-esteem .... be patient for a little while longer; have I ever seen a wretch in need of love,