True Life in God Messages

Notebook 81 True Life in God 845 sending them a dumb spirit; they will hide the lamp I have given them and will hide in darkness so as not to be seen, by calling this darkness: “prudence”; ic; November 21, 1995 Have I toiled in vain? Have I exhausted myself for nothing? Yet all the while my course was with You. My charism is given by You, my God, this is why You were my Strength. My Vassula, why do you say, “were my Strength?” why do you talk in the past? you are under My service still and you are permanently strengthened by Me; I am still your Strength and will always be .... no, you have not laboured in vain nor have you been spent for nothing; your abandonment has done prodigies in My Spirit; is a country born in one day? likewise nor is it possible that unity be born in one single day since many of My elect follow their own ways; a Voice was sent to the nations to speak and console My children, to turn them back to Me; I provided seeds to be sown in the field of reconciliation and I had provided you with My spiritual bread so that My Word fills those who lacked; – your race, Vassula, is not over because I have created you to be My weapon against the Destroyer who renders many of My people blind; you will have nothing to fear since I am with you .... yes, the Destroyer captivated their mind by its power over the world and its name lies in Scriptures as the three foul spirits forming a triangle; those three foul spirits coming from the jaws of dragon and beast and false prophet, 1 why, they have awakened with your sound since you are My Echo and so have sworn, by overturning My Chalice, 1Rv. 16:13. to silence you; they have sworn to surge over you and against you; My little angel, in your frailty I shall disarm the mighty ones; in your nothingness I shall reveal My Power and overturn their kingdoms; take courage, daughter, and I will re-establish the truth; I bless you;  November 28, 1995 (Anniversary of 10 years of True Life in God) peace be with you; My Vassula, ah, let Me know, let Me know, are you happy to have been with Me in this way all these years? mere creature of flesh, but with a heart, are you happy? Crown-of-my-Joy, how could I not be happy? I have been carried off by Your Breath in the clouds to advance on the wings of the wind, to become a part of the winds, 2 so how can I not be happy! and you have become part of Me, 3 and I part of you, and you have made your home in Me, as I have made My Home in you, transfiguring your soul into an Eden so that I may be glorified; advance your step and go forward on the wings of the wind, for you have a special place in My Sacred Heart; Feast-of-my-own-heart! Ointment-of-my-eyes! Light thrice Holy! my soul rejoices because You have rescued the “Uninhabited”, blessed be Your Name thrice Holy. 2 “You use the winds as messengers” (Ps. 104:4). 3Allusion to Jn. 15.