True Life in God Messages

844 True Life in God Notebook 81 will appear as the loser before the eyes of the world, as I, your Lord, appeared on My Cross; all these things will come on your way so that the Father’s words be accomplished; – I am the Resurrection and I will raise up all that I have written through your hand, so that everyone may believe that ‘True Life in God’ was not written by flesh but by the Spirit of Grace; darkness and distress should not be felt by you, for I have hidden you into My Sacred Heart; – My little soul, let My Majestic Voice be heard and do not be frightened by the noise there is around you; My Father’s Lips brim with fury for the unrepentant sinners and His anger will be displayed by a glare of a devouring fire; why, He announced it not long ago, by your Mother, to Akita’s1messenger; 2 in the end, the earth will open its ears and heart so that salvation springs up, and I will triumph together with the Immaculate Heart of your and My Mother; – vessel of My agonies, I will give you enough strength to accomplish your mission with dignity that will glorify Me; My Love for you covers you so do not fear, ‘lo tedhal’ .... I, Jesus Christ, am with you now and always;  November 15, 1995 Scriptures say: “the ear is a judge of speeches, just as the palate can tell one food from another.” 3 How is it they have not discovered Your Speech, 1 In Japan. 2Sister Agnes. 3Jb. 34:3. how is it that Your Food was not appreciated or tasty for them? How is it that Scriptures are rejected in my case? When the Jews accused You, Jesus, and did not believe You were sent by God, and that You are God’s Son and God Yourself, You said to them: “I have done many good works for you to see, works from my Father; for which of these are you stoning me? If I am not doing My Father’s work, there is no need to believe Me; but if I am doing it, then even if you refuse to believe in me, at least believe in the work I do.” Why then, Lord, do they not look at the works done in Your Name, are these not my witness? peace be with you; Love is with you; can you obey Me to the letter? I wish that this trial will not cause you to lose My Peace; I am the Author of this Message, so do not give up; I will rescue you; am I not allowed to test you and all the others? am I not allowed to strengthen you through trials? (Vassula, I will send you an angel to console you ....) you call out to Me: “Lord, I am badly wounded,” but, Vassula, so am I .... you cry out: “Lord, I am brutally treated,” and I am telling you, but so am I; – My chosen one has been struck from inside My House and this was so that what the Father had said to you, would be accomplished .... and now I tell you, if any sacerdotal soul declares openly himself for Me4 in the presence of the world, I will too, when the time comes, declare Myself for him in the presence of My Father! – and to you I tell you: do not defend yourself! let those who heard you, testify now and openly declare the truth; but the devil will silence some of them by 4Jesus talks about His Message.