True Life in God Messages

Notebook 81 True Life in God 841 It was You, my Shepherd, who drew me from the entrails of this vile world. Blessed be Your Name, thrice Holy. Refreshment of my soul, Perfect Beauty, with words sweeter than honey, open Your Mouth and pronounce the Wonders of Your Law, so that many will be set free. Let Your faithful Love come to all Your creation, be gracious, generous and merciful with us so that our eyes will open and fix our gaze on Your Trinitarian Holiness. Amen. I, Jesus, bless you; take My Mighty Hand, I will guide you; to guide you and to be your Holy Companion in the journey of your life is a constant delight for Me; see? I have given you the freedom of heart; through My Spirit, you get your freedom; through His purifying Fire you are washed clean; where My Spirit is, there is freedom, for there is a renewal, a transfiguration in His Presence; your new birth is not from mortal seed but from My Spirit; Joy-of-My-Heart, allow Me to use you as My net so that I may bring many hearts to live in this freedom; love Me and console Me; I am with you; glorify Me and bless My Holy Name thrice Holy;  October 25, 1995 peace be with you! I am with you; see how my predictions come true? flower-of-My-Heart, flame-of-MyEyes; your mission will be accomplished only when I will allow them to crucify you; now you are travelling by a rough road but I am with you; take courage and do not lose the Peace I have given you; I had told you that the Father had traced for you a road similar to Mine; what I had succumbed you would succumb too but all would be in accordance and to the measure of your strength; today as you see, you have been sold by one of My Own; precious one, your own people have betrayed innocent blood .... you were handed over by one of your own1 to the Romans so that they condemn you and then .... be crucified; Vassula, you yourself keep My silence, 2 you have enough witnesses who could defend you; the faithful will remain faithful; your clothes, My child, will roll in your blood, and this, too, will be the evidence that you come from Me; you were born for this and your acceptance delights Me because through your sufferings I will save many; through your torments I will be setting light inside My Church, giving birth to a renewal in My Holy Spirit thrice Holy; in the meantime while your oppressors will be rejoicing, My seventh angel will empty his bowl into the air, igniting the whole atmosphere into fire3 ... Vassiliki, look at Me, in the Eyes4 .... you will promise Me, if you love Me, to forgive them all, it may sound illogical to many but you are My follower, are you not? Yes, Lord. copy then your Master; for in the end I shall triumph .... till this moment they 1Christ made me understand who. 2 I should not defend myself. 3A reminder of Akita’s message in Japan. 4 I did and I melted.