True Life in God Messages

840 True Life in God Notebook 81 forgive, and you will obtain the fruit of love and peace; come and repent .... My Father’s wrath has kindled a Fire that will burn the world up! you see, daughter, this generation has planned to commit the abomination which My prophet, Daniel , spoke of; it will do a deed of horror; how can My Father not flare up? My Father will not bear the sight of His Son trampled underfoot, flung to the ground, nor will Saint Michael – Saint Michael and His armies will stand up; – the Beast today challenges Heaven, even My Power! this is why My Father will burn the crimes of this generation with Fire and this Fire will come at a time when they suspect nothing: by the word of My Mouth and the command of My Father, the present sky and earth are destined for fire; you have been warned about this many times, but instead of announcing you have been denouncing! .... mastered by your weakness .... 1 I tell you as Scriptures say: “happy those whose crimes are forgiven, whose sins are blotted out; happy the man whom the Lord considers sinless” 2 when My Day comes; pray, My daughter, for your generation; persevere and I shall bring you Hope; I bless you; ic; October 13, 1995 Jesus? I Am, allow Me to use your mouth; I shall remind them of My Love; My precious one, tell your counsellor: because I laid down My Life voluntarily, My disciples were scandalised; I laid It down of My Own free Will, but they failed to see yet that I had the power to take My Life up again; 1Jesus said this as if speaking to Himself. 2Rm. 4:7-8; Ps. 32:1-2. I allowed Myself to be suppressed for the sake of My sheep .... I have told you this so that your understanding may be complete; 3 as you know, I have adopted Vassula, so that in her I may be glorified; and as I had sent others before her into the world, I am sending her now into this world imbued in iniquity; her journey will not be easy, 4 because the Father wished it that way for His greatest glory; watch over her with the same eyes I watch over her; may your union reach the perfection I desire from you, do not let it decay; love one another as I love you; I beg you, do not use any harshness in any way, My friend, for this grieves My Holy Spirit; I am gentle and My education is gentle; you will continue this journey together, through the nations I choose; – I am with you; be constant in your love and holiness; let My children enjoy the light that I am giving them through these Messages; continue, My friend, to honour Us in Our Trinitarian Holiness and to honour the Immaculate Heart of your Mother; in all truth I tell you: put into full action the Messages of Our Trinitarian Holiness and complete your work; lean on Me and ask My Spirit to help you complete what you have commenced; 5 I bless you; I am with you; ic; October 17, 1995 My Lord and my Shepherd guide us, straighten our paths; we are the flock of Your sheepfold, and I am confident, because of Your Faithful Love, that You will fetch the strayed sheep one after the other, back into Your fold. 3 It was about how to understand the word ‘suppress’ in a previous message. 4 I heard also (at the same time) “is not easy”. 5The books.