True Life in God Messages

838 True Life in God Notebook 80 Daniel your guardian angel guarding you; Daniel October 6, 1995 My Lord! My eyes were privileged to contemplate on Your glorious Majesty; what grace have You given me! I, who am the least to have received such a gift to be able to possess Your Majesty, and contemplate You in Your Mystery. – Fountain of Wisdom, You are treating me in a supreme way, full of goodness and boundless tenderness to recognise my God Thrice Holy, to recognise Him as Father, as Beloved and Abba. – Fountain of Understanding that makes gardens out of deserts, fruit-trees out of thorns and thistles, incredibly ravishing, palpitating, Your glorious appearance leaves my heart spellbound. – Fountain of Counsel, my Cup, my Drink, King from the beginning, You are continuously displaying Your Majestic counsel with kindness to your pupil; this is why my heart is pining away with love. Glory is His Holy Name; how can one praise You enough? – Fountain of Fortitude, resplendently awesome, have You seen how we are? Reduced, lacking, weak, and a deplorable sight, yet, we belong to You, we come from You. See? See how our knees are trembling and are weak for lack of Food? See how so many of us have become an object of derision? So come, Spirit of Grace, I implore Your Majesty to put Your Breath once more in us so that fresh life begins. One Word of command from You and the entire world can be renewed! – O Fountain of Knowledge, come and govern me to penetrate in the Mystery of God; my eyes have seen nothing, my ears have heard nothing, and my touch will still remain in the unknown, unless You show me Your Face, and let me hear Your Voice; have You not noticed how I yearn for Your Courts? – Fountain of Piety, why is it so difficult to grasp You? Is it because my hands are so soiled? Why do you shy away from me? Am I to remain imperfect? You are always true to Your promises, and You are known to give liberty to prisoners, and so I invoke You, grant me the attitude of Your Saints so that I may celebrate Your acts of power one day. Liberate me, for under Your protection the pious are known to be safe. – Fountain of Fear, token of Your true disciples,