True Life in God Messages

Notebook 80 True Life in God 837 Me for My intercession; may honour and glory be given to God for His inexhaustible patience; 1 come, be confident and do not fall into temptation; see? it is not worth it .... listen and continue to listen to your Father in Heaven; God is not unattainable, He is at everyone’s reach; so call your Abba and He will hear you; the Most Holy Trinity wants everyone to reach and enter into the highest heaven; happy are those who die in the Lord, theirs is the Kingdom of heaven; fear God and always praise Him; worship your Maker and love Him always; I, Saint Michael, the Archangel, bless you in the presence of the Most Holy Trinity and in the presence of Their Holy Angels; – Saint Michael – and while you are working, you can continue praying! 2 October 2, 1995 (Feast of our guardian angels) Alleluia! Let heaven praise Yahweh: praise Him, heavenly heights, praise Him, all His angels, praise Him, all His armies! 3 Let them all praise the Name of Yahweh, at whose command they were created. 4 1At this moment I suddenly had for just two seconds a doubt, which left me almost immediately, and I burst into a great joy again when He said: “see? it is not worth it”. 2 I had to prepare our dinner, this is why St Michael said to pray while working. 3Ps. 148:1-2. 4Ps. 148:5. I, Jesus, give you My Peace; come and pray with Me; say: Sovereign from the beginning, hear My prayer; my soul, my heart are thirsting for you; my gaze longs to see you, and I look to no one else, for there is no god to compare You with, nothing is greater than you, since you alone are stupendously great; for this, gather the nations to give thanks and praise to Your Holy Name around one single Tabernacle, let them offer Your Sacrifice together to Our Father in heaven, in one voice and in the same Spirit; Guardian of our soul, wonderfully strong, unconquerable, may the whole of Your creation serve You in the Most Holy Trinity; grant us this blessing; amen; come now, in the power of My Spirit, I am sending you Daniel , your guardian angel; ic; (My angel speaks:) I, Dan, bless you; Sign of Unity, 5 remain faithful to the Lord; grow in Him and in no one else; alone Yahweh is good; pray to be fortified so that in the Lord you may draw strength to revive His House and accomplish your mission; I will always guard you, forever I shall guide you; your Daniel; 5 At the same time I heard ‘Sign’, I also heard simultaneously the word: ‘Symbol’.