True Life in God Messages

Notebook 80 True Life in God 835 not fall into distress, make no resistance and do not turn away either; allow yourself to be repressed as My Own Son, your Redeemer, was repressed, scandalising all His disciples; “I command you to remain untouched by the insults of men and not to respond, as My Son did not respond but remained silent, and in these sufferings I will establish Peace; in your torments I will console the disconsolate; I will make your oppressors oppress you and while you will be lying down in torments, trampled underfoot by men, I will be setting light in the Church, giving birth to a renewal in My Spirit Thrice Holy, surrendering Her to become One; “faint as your heart may be, feel, feel My Joy for this victory! Salvation is at your doors .... daughter, surrender into your Father’s Hands; delicate and tender child, lift the yoke of Unity on your shoulders and carry it; when you weary on your way I will be your sole Repose, your sole Companion; in the betrayals, your sole Friend; I will be your sole Source of Knowledge, instructing you the depths of Our mysteries, so that this generation and the next will not lack; I will continue to rain down on you My blessings and My Manna to feed you; “come, do not stand in awe; come, your closeness to Me infatuates Me and renders your soul thirsty for Me; come, tabernacle of My Son, I love you; love Me and be eager to serve Me; come, dust and ashes, yet with a heart and soul, glorify Me; come Paraskevi, in contrast to your darkness I, who am the Imperishable Light of the Law, will be your sole pillar of Light in your journey, to guide you and others into My Law;” and you, 1 even if you are still struck with blindness, groping your way in this wilderness, lacking, starved and 1From thereon God asked me to read this passage for the Scandinavian countries I visited: Oslo, Göteborg, Stockholm & Copenhagen. scorched dry, even if you feel conquered by bitter plague, return to Me as you are! for I have taken My stand against My Holy Wrath by reminding Myself that I, I had fathered you .... and I will stand by you always and everywhere you go; approach the Living One and I will demonstrate My sweetness towards you, teaching you that piety is stronger than all; piety will keep you away from sin; come and strike your root in Me so that I turn you, too, into a Tree with branches that bear fruit, and My inscription will be carved on each one of your fruits so that those who eat will hunger for more; and from thereon you will tune your ear to the Truth thrice Holy, and by applying your heart to the Truth you shall live; September 27, 1995 My gaze is in the visions of the Night, as swiftly as You, the Holy One, came to me, so was Your swiftness to throw Your veil over my eyes for this is what pleased You, Beloved of the Father, so that I may depend on You entirely and be like a toy in Your Mighty Hand. And since then, I have become an exile for Your Sake. It pleases You to trace out my path so that You and I walk together, I, clutching the hem of Your garment for fear of losing You, and You, like a King amid His armies, You lead me where You choose. And on our way, jealous men rise to their feet to interrupt our delightful journey; they lay their hands on me to rip me apart, but You, in a lordly style,