True Life in God Messages

834 True Life in God Notebook 80 There, You were standing majestically in front of a bewildered Wretch. He who pervades and permeates all things was now in the company of wretchedness. Reeling as though with wine, my soul staggered in the Presence of this Pure Emanation Thrice Holy .... I stuttered to pronounce, to utter something, but no sound was ever heard. I lacked. The Fingers then that formed me suddenly reached out and were posed on my lips, opening them for me to draw in the air of His Breath. And as I inhaled a scent like choice myrrh, a wail came out of me just as a new-born, and I was instantly restored. “From now on Your Creator will be Your Husband, My Name: Yahweh Sabaoth,” 1He said. “I have taken pity on you .... did you not know, My child, that I am rich in forgiving? Depart not and do not fear. Remain with Me and I will lift you and bring you home to heal you entirely. My great love challenged My Mercy and My Heart was touched by your misery. Come, and if you wish, I will make you a witness of My great Love I have for all of you.” This is what Your Holy Lips uttered, every one of Your Words falling on my parched soul, like morning dew, and while still talking my soul,, struck with remorse, found itself succumbing in its Father’s Arms, in its Father’s Grace I then turned to the Lord and entreated Him to possess Him, 1 Is. 54:5. with all my heart I said: “I want to possess You, my God and Creator, as much as You possess me.” Then You put around me bonds that linked me to You, bonds that would remain forever. and I said: I shall grant you the favour of My Heart and Soul for I am Divine and Thrice Holy; I am your Father and I own you; and you, My daughter, and you own Me; did you not know that I am Grace and Mercy? come, do not ask: “why has all this happened to me?” your great misery pulled Me down from heaven; your disconsolate soul made My Heart cry out to My angels and saints: “how much longer should I see her go on like this?” and to you: “Paraskevi, raise your eyes now and look at Me; I promise you that Hope will not be given to you alone, but to all, all those who are thirsty; has anyone heard anything like this? and as for you, Paraskevi, I will take you into My service and make out of you a Tree; your roots will be growing in My Garden so that your foliage remains green, so that your fruit has My Name inscribed on it; and I, Myself, will be your Keeper and water you from My Fountain of Living Water .... and, as Companion and Friend, I will give you Wisdom who will educate and raise you to transmit, later on, this Hope in perfection, to all mankind; “you will be reared by me and formed in My Courts; this is why you will be contradicted in your journey; the world will spit on you, but not more than they spat on My Son; traitors will come your way, but none of them greater than Judas; denials and rejections, too, will follow, yet none of them more severe than the rejections and denials that My Son received; pitilessly you will be misunderstood by many, but rejoice! do