True Life in God Messages

832 True Life in God Notebook 80 I had warned you that working for Me, hardships are certain to come, and that is what each one of you has found out; but do not despair, I am with you so long as you remain faithful to Me, so rely on Me, I will continue to give you strength, courage and hope; now hear Me and understand: My Holy Spirit had explicitly named this Work: “True Life in God”, but some of you listened to deceitful spirits and gave way to them .... take care of all the Divine Work that has been entrusted to you and turn away from disputes that will lead you to division; can you not see? can you not discern how the Evil One is at work? you ought to turn your minds more attentively than before to what the Spirit offered so that you do not drift away from My Grace; with this in view, do your best to work with harmony and peace, gentleness and understanding; My dear friends, remember: do not wreck the Holy Spirit's Work by allowing yourselves to give rise to harmful talk; I tell you: rejoice in the Spirit and seek His Ways in which He will keep you devout, united and happy in the reflection of His Love;  August 1, 1995 My Lord and my God, show me the light of Your Divine Face; Maker in glory, Your arrows on me do not make me run away from You; on the contrary, I am here, quivering with impatience to listen to You; come and satisfy my hunger! daughter, all I have is yours; I love you; never doubt of My Love; love Me and you shall live; live holy and pray more; the devil never wearies of attacking you and from tempting you; so stay vigilant and never weary of writing; never abandon your prayers, never cease being with Me, 1 I am always with you and I never leave you, but, daughter, I want also this from you; in these days2 where you and your family are together I do not ask a great deal from you nor do I call you to obtain lengthy messages; I only ask for your friendship, your love, your attention from time to time and a word to Me showing Me that you have not forgotten Me; see? Vassula, do not worry about your oppressors; do not worry on things that belong to the world, all these will wear out but My Love for you will remain forever and for all eternity; My lamb, the world hated Me as it hates you now, but it is only the world and this world will wear away! come, remain near Me and My Mother who loves you! have Our Peace; we, us?  August 16, 1995 Lord, my Yahweh, never let the world drag my steps back into its entrails; never let it become my master nor my domain. May You grant me, my Father, what You carry most preciously in Your Heart so let Your desires become my flesh and bones, my being, my nourishment and my life. I love you to madness, my Strength, my Holy One thrice Holy, my Drink of Everlasting Source of Divinity and Life, my Kindness and my Tenderness, come! come to me and I promise You, Heavenly Father, to sing Your Hymn of Love 1 In prayer, we are together with the Lord. 2My family and I were passing our holidays together.