True Life in God Messages

Notebook 80 True Life in God 831 July 7, 1995 (Joinville, Brazil) My Vassula, I, Jesus, give you My Peace, this Peace that no one should take away from you! beware of conflicts that arise in your midst to disturb the harmony I have given you and the flow of peace My Work gives to you, listen now and take this as My advice: work as you have always worked with Me; My Work is done in peace, harmony and joy; I delight when I find your heart welldisposed and eager to please Me; walk with Me and allow My Heart to talk to you; when I speak, write My Words as you have done, and as you write, I bless you and all of what you write; love Me and I am praised in your love and honoured; love Me and console Me; love Me and you will never perish; love Me and I will unite My Church in your love; love Me and for the sake of your love, My Father’s wrath can be diminished; love Me and join in the saints’ prayers; – all I ask from all of you is love; all I need from all of you is your heart; I need your hearts to build unity in your hearts; Vassula, I need sacrifices to bring the Two Sisters1 together! – flower, I tell you that My honour and praise, I have received during your mission in Brazil; ic 1The Lord speaks about the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church as Two Sisters. July 9, 1995 (São Carlo – Brazil) Yahweh is My Name; daughter, listen to My Voice: I am your Keeper who delights in you; allow Us2 to imbue you with Our Knowledge so that We instruct all of you; allow Me to show My Portrait to this generation by using your hand; I want My children to know Me more; glorify your Father in Heaven; I, Yahweh, love you; July 31, 1995 I Am is with you, so allow Me now to use with you My gift that will honour My Name; for, My child, through this gift I brought many back to Me; so peace be with you! yes! you will get My answer for your request, – regarding Japan: 3 you have all shared together, in My graces to you all, the power of healing through My given Messages; I it is who establish the associations of True Life in God; I offer prayers to the Father for your partnership in the Messages I am giving; you all have a place in My Heart since you are all sharing and defending My Work; Satan, in his jealousy, wishes to sift you all like wheat: to fail; so stand your ground with prayer as your weapon; be sympathetic and generous to one another, be patient with one another as I am patient with you; be tolerant with one another as the Father is tolerant with this generation; forgive each other as readily as I forgive when forgiveness is asked! 2The Holy Trinity. 3The Association of Japan of True Life in God.