True Life in God Messages

830 True Life in God Notebook 80 you fear will come true; whatever you dread will be realised; My Church will unite in the end and will be One and My Prayer to the Father will be fulfilled; will you now still persist in your evil designs? one day, servants of the Beast, together with the False Prophet, alias the second Beast, you will bear the weight of your faults, and they will be as grave as Death; today still, in secrecy, you1 are aiming at Peter’s Chair, using your people whom you placed on high seats to masquerade the Truth with liberalism and the lot; you are plundering My sacred Law and devouring it, to eliminate My Tradition; this is why My Father will strip you of everything you own, setting aflame your ten Towers and laying their foundation bare; all your precious stones will be shattered and yourself consumed by fire; unless I hear from you your cry of repentance I will execute all these things in a very short time; ecclesia will revive! – flower, I am with you and before you I stand and bless you; every effort, every step forward, done for unity is blessed thrice from the Father, Myself and the Holy Spirit; let this be known and tell everyone to work and pray for unity; and if anyone comes to you and asks what would please Me most, say to them: “the feast of the kingdom of God is at hand; therefore, be ready to address your prayers to God for the salvation of strayed souls; gather together and pray that ecclesia will be one; pray with conviction and God will hear you; there is no one who has prayed, sacrificed and fasted for the sake of the kingdom of God who has not been heard or given repayment a hundred times over in his present time and in the world to come; also that he has not inherited Eternal Life;” 1The Beast and his followers. give them that word and ask them to remember My words in Scriptures: 2 “a man’s words flow out of what fills his heart; a good man draws good things from his store of goodness; a bad man draws bad things from his store of badness; so I tell you this, that for every unfounded word men utter they will answer on Judgement day, since it is by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words condemned;” – display My Holiness and be eager to serve Me as now; I love you, I, your Master but Friend as well and your Beloved of your heart! have My Peace and blessings – this is all for now; I Am is with you, come, we, us? Jesus is My Name, keep it holy;  July 4, 1995 (Curitiba, Brazil) daughter, peace be with you; remember, all I really need is love; tell them3 to learn to love Me, to learn to adore Me; did you not know that at the end everyone will be judged according to the measure of his love? if you have tasted My Goodness you will act with goodness too towards others; open your heart and invite Me so that you get to know Me; Love is by your side; 2Mt. 12:34-37. 3 In my conference and testimony.