True Life in God Messages

Notebook 80 True Life in God 829 who lifts an infant close against his cheek will I lift you, caress you and love you and I will never part with you; in these days and in your times I am confronted by the guilt of those who strike Me and the wickedness of those who practise deceit; “do not commit this abomination which the prophet Daniel spoke of”, I say, but your steps persistently follow Deceit; your era is challenging My Power; very well then, since your intentions, generation, are to trample on My Perpetual Sacrifice and abolish It, I tell you: I shall do to you what I have done to Sodom and Gomorrah but one hundred times more, to equal your sins; – you see those ten Towers you have built for yourselves as Lodges? well, you will never live in them, your empire will crumble down together with you; and those precious stones you have treasured? you will never possess them, for I am going to pass through you to remind you that from the Beginning My Name, thrice Holy, was to be honoured and kept Holy and that your due to Me was to fear Me; – come, you who still err in this wilderness, undecided and weak! come and ask for these seven gifts of My Holy Spirit and I, the Author of heaven and earth, Word and God, will lavish you with My gifts; I will offer you, to save you, My seven gifts; to prosper you into a delightful vineyard I will teach you temperance and prudence, justice and fortitude; come to Me, I who am thrice Holy; come, and with the power of My Breath I will turn you into an untarnished mirror to reflect on you and in you: Our Divinity, and you will live in Us thrice Holy, for ever and ever; soul! 1 exposed now to the injustice of the world, obtain Our Peace and Love; 1God turned suddenly to me and addressed me. with you I Am; are you still willing to work for peace, unity and love? I am willing to work for peace, unity and love, yes. be observant then of My rules .... be patient and remember, remember what I had endured; be content with what I have already given you and do not seek for more; continue to be conscientious in your work; in the beginning of My Message I said: “dress My Wounds with your love,” I am wounded beyond recognition; lift your eyes in heaven and you will see My angels weeping .... ah, generation, you are fanning My Father’s wrath, you are fanning His wrath which will light up and burst into flames and when it does, He will come to you as a devouring flame of fire and burn you into ashes together with your iniquity and your rebellion with all the evil disguised today as good; alas for you, you who are disguised as servants of righteousness2 serving in My Church but are none other than counterfeit servants, serving the rules of the Beast, I tell you: unless you repent, you will draw upon you My Father’s wrath and end up in flames too; you are displeased with the one who sits on Peter’s Chair and who reminds you constantly to keep My rules holy, since they are sacred; you are displeased at his calls of ecclesia’s Tradition and of living daily a Eucharistic life; you are anguished when it comes to approaching the Eastern Church with the Western Church and perform unity! faithless and perverted generation! how much longer must I put up with your rebellion? but I tell you: whatever 2 The Cains of today: the apostates who spread errors; those who want to abolish the Perpetual Sacrifice; those who contradict the Pope for wanting the keep the Tradition of the Church as in the Primitive Church; and those who combat Unity.