True Life in God Messages

828 True Life in God Notebook 79 the Spirit of Piety will lead you to become: - a delight of the Delight of the Father, - a fragrance of myrrh in My Presence, - a lily of My garden; - a boast1 to My angels; - a festival of joy permanently in My Heart, and a copy of Myself; you will only have to will and I will lift your pitiable soul! I do not lack means to show My Power or My Sovereignty; come and seek Me in simplicity of the heart, do not remain in debt to your sin, ask for forgiveness and I shall forgive you; ask for the Spirit of Fear to discipline you into keeping My Name Holy; let My Spirit robe you with honour and reverence – a gift and a rare treasure, a sign of loving faithfulness – learn to bow your head low so that I may be seen, learn to lower your voice so that you may begin to hear My Voice and discover My intentions, My desires and My Will; learn to raise your voice only in praise for My Glorious Presence; learn to raise your head only in search of Me and of what is heavenly .... many influential men have been put low, for they have neither honoured Me nor shown Me any reverence; you want to know what “the Fear of the Lord” means? the Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, the Fear of the Lord is the crown of Wisdom; it is he who receives Me graciously, acknowledging Us as Thrice Holy with reverence, faithfulness and honour; to Fear Me is to humble yourself in Our Presence, pleading with Me to forgive 1 In the sense of being glorified. you so that I make out of you an everlasting altar on which I would place all My Knowledge, My Precepts and My Law; I will place on your Holy Fear My confidence, My treasures, with learned sayings revealing My mysteries and My secrets; I will show you the mysteries of My Heart, those hidden treasures in your Holy Fear, and you will learn then that I am God in whom you can obtain Everlasting Life, Everlasting Joy and Peace; you will learn from My Spirit of Fear that submissiveness seduces Me; stern as it might appear, it is The Opening for Me to enter in your heart and do My Will; I will receive your submission with your Holy Fear as one receives a royal crown of splendour and We, the Trinitarian God, for Our part, will dress you in Our invincible Holiness so that any trace of lawlessness remaining in you will dissipate from you like morning mist; born and renewed by My Spirit, you who in My grief had ceased to be, will once more be; many of the dead will look at you, uncomprehending, that you, once dead but now alive behave as We would have you behave, sagaciously and with Holy Fear; learn that the Lord of All offers grace and mercy for those who fear Him and fear His Name; I will get My honour, if you praise My Name thrice Holy, everywhere you go; and that incense2 offered to Me from your heart in My Name is like a pure offering to Me; it is time to seek for this gift of My Spirit of Fear – weapon for combating rebellion – element to prevent you from falling, and sceptre of My Kingdom – stoop down to Me and I will lift you lovingly; lower yourself so that in My Mercy My arms lift you; like someone 2 It means: prayers.