True Life in God Messages

826 True Life in God Notebook 79 and the glory of Our Trinitarian Holiness which can adorn your spirit in Our Splendour for ever and ever; – have I not strength to save? with one word I bless and save; so do not lie helpless; I can give you My Spirit of Fortitude; it is not only given to My angels but to you too; open your heart and listen; ask and it shall be given to you; I can make you preach My Word and My Tradition thrice blessed, to the utmost of your capacity by the power of My Spirit of Fortitude; happy are you who will obtain My Gift1 and through this Gift obtain strength to live in obedience of faith, in righteousness, joy and peace; so do not lie helpless and with fear; I tell you, do not fear the taunts of men nor be dismayed by their insults, for the moth shall eat them like garments, since from the beginning they have been in communion with the evil one; I will be your Strength and you shall no longer walk alone; I and you, you and I will bear, together, the crosses given to you for your sanctification; My Spirit of Fortitude can clothe you in My Strength to bear witness to the Truth, the Alpha and the Omega, with zeal and courage; My Holy Spirit of Fortitude can help you overcome all the obstacles that come in your way that prevent you from reaching Me; in the power of My Spirit you will become like a warrior filled with courage and strength; fortified by His power you will fortify My Sanctuary against the enemy and against transgression; like the sun you will shine in Our Presence thrice Holy; like a fire your words will flare like a torch; like a sword that cuts and pierces, your prophecies will strike, dragging the kingdoms of the world down to destruction; in the power of My Spirit you will obtain the inaccessible, you will attain 1Holy Spirit of Fortitude. the unattainable; every one of your achievements will show Our magnificence in Our Trinitarian Glory, so do not say: “where, where shall we find sufficient power and fortitude to glorify God?” My marvels lie in the Spirit, Invisible, yet visible through His powerful action, Inaccessible to the touch yet all around you and within you; who can attempt to understand the way My Spirit moves? ask My Holy Spirit of Fortitude to grant you His radiant Strength for My Interests and I, I will pass on to you without reserve sufficient power to join in the battle of your times with Michael the Archangel, and combat evil and blasphemy, distortion of My Word and rebellion against all that is holy; deign and ask Me to grant you the Spirit of Fortitude to enable you to reach out your hand to the cup I will offer you; these are the things you should ask before My Saints and Our Trinitarian Holiness; then you, too, will practise endurance in the battle of the Great Day2 to be the defender of the Truth, and bring all people to acknowledge Us as thrice Holy but One, in the unity of essence; and We will invite each one of them to enter into the mystery of the True Knowledge of Our Trinitarian Holiness by dressing them in grace and beauty and ceremonial vestments, Our richest clothes: - Divinity which emanates from Us, leading them into Eternal Life; - Light thrice Holy, glittering in their soul and body to live in Us for ever and ever; - Truth and Love, to know the True God thrice Holy; 2Rv. 16:14.