True Life in God Messages

Notebook 79 True Life in God 825 reach will be unveiled; and in your nothingness My Spirit of Understanding will lead you into the mystery of the Divine Truth; do not let My Spirit find you illdisposed or unwilling; let Him enlighten your mind and in the contrast of your nothingness My Holy Spirit of Understanding will be Everything you lack; Companion and Friend, He will hide no mysteries from you, but will offer you teachings that no mind has understood, things beyond the mind of mankind, going into the impenetrable and into the imperishable, reaching the depths of God; so do not be like the scholars and the philosophers of your time who justify their philosophy to the model of their own rationalistic spirit; flesh and blood cannot reveal what comes from the Spirit; I can offer you My Kingdom and My Spirit can lead your step into My Kingdom; come then and inherit what lasts for ever by allowing My Spirit of Understanding to enlighten your mind and your body with His Divine Light, allowing Him to animate your soul in the intimacy We1desire of you in Us; My sons, My daughters, come to Us in your silence to obtain the gifts We can offer you; thrice holy is Our Name; do not follow a philosophy based on man’s mind, for the viper will nest in you; come to Us instead and obtain the Gifts of the Spirit, who can transfigure your soul into Our Heaven; ask Us from your heart and you shall obtain; acknowledge Us in Our Trinitarian Holiness and you shall be called “Our child, Our Own”, for We shall make out of your soul a living portrait of Our Holiness, a visible image of the Invisible, an attraction to all the sacred things that have been declared to you for your salvation from the beginning of Time; 1The plural form represents the Holy Trinity. listen and understand: you want to be kin to the Holy Spirit of Counsel and make sure you will gain heaven? acknowledge Us in Our Trinitarian Holiness and you will be lifted by Our angels to discover Him-who-is; ask for counsel and you will be counselled to do good all the days of your life; the Kingdom is prepared for you who do good; learn to repay evil with love; you know the Commandments and you also know that on the two greatest hang all the Law and the prophets; you do not have to be rich to enter into My Kingdom nor learned; My Kingdom is given to the poor in spirit and to those who call out: “God, be merciful to me, a sinner;” My Kingdom is given to mere children and to the lowly who know how to call out: “Abba!” seek Me, your Lord, I am Love; seek Love all you, the humble of the earth, who obey My Commandments; ask for My Spirit of Counsel to make you desire integrity, humility, loyalty and goodness so that your step will not fail you and do wrong; unfailingly, My Spirit of Counsel will make His Law known to you and counsel you, saying: “do not equal anyone to God; serve the cause of right; lift the oppressed; do no harm to anyone, but love and help one another; do not afflict or harass the widow or show harshness to the orphan; practise goodness and do not be like the villains and the wicked who ruin their souls by ruining the helpless; never rebel against your God but bow your head and bend your knee in His Holy Presence; never substitute His Perpetual Sacrifice, not even for all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour;” be alert to those counsels and you shall fragrance, and your happiness will be like a river breaking into several rivulets, announcing and counselling others to seek the Kingdom of Heaven