True Life in God Messages

824 True Life in God Notebook 79 why this impurity? why this revolt?” My dear child, this is the prelude of My coming; you, who love Me, will have to suffer only for a little while, you who bow down before My power will be recompensed; you who have not forgotten your Maker will see Me in My Glory .... My Return is as certain as the dawn; you ask, daughter: “tell us what is needed most to change”; I need faithful love, for faithful love is what pleases Me, Consoler of Your kin. Friend of mankind, Light thrice Holy, Beloved of the Father, Starlight of the night, Mountain of Incense and Myrrh, Delight of the Father, Infatuation of Your Mother, draw us all in Your Love, ravish our heart with one single glance, call us into Your Kingdom since You delight in showing faithful love, convert us in Your Flame of Love. Let this terror of the night before us come to its end and we shall all contemplate Your saving justice. I just wanted to hear this from you again; flower, I will continue using you; My well-beloved, come now and enjoy resting in My Heart; I, Jesus, who raised you, love you and bless you; June 19, 1995 peace be with you .... dress My Wounds with love in My Holy Spirit; seek always My Holy Spirit; come and learn: to preserve your soul from any illdispositions and from temptations, ask My Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life, to govern you in holiness and help you grow in grace and wisdom so that you, too, will not be carried away by the errors that are promulgated more and more in My Church; ask My Holy Spirit of Knowledge that you may not fall into the distortions being made of My Word but that you may come to know Us1 as thrice Holy, and by knowing Us know yourself in Our Reflection, in Our Image; I am saying, “you too”, because many of whom I have raised have either slackened or have fallen .... they deserted My holy rules with which I had entrusted them; they failed Me because they gave in to their impulses .... they did not place Me as first, 2 they have placed their interests first, not Mine; ask My Holy Spirit of Wisdom that you look for My Heavenly Vineyard so that your soul aspires for its fruit; come and entreat My Holy Spirit of Wisdom to visit you in your poverty; in your poverty He will not flee; He will befriend you and court you and in His pure emanation will make your spirit revolve only around heavenly things, asking Us3 for what is holy and imperishable; My Holy Spirit of Wisdom will show you Our4 Kingdom, a Kingdom of piety reserved for the upright and holy; so do not be like those who break My Heart daily and grieve My Spirit without ceasing for becoming a constant rebel, a Cain without mercy; set your heart right and My Spirit of Wisdom will be your guide and director to lead you into Our Kingdom which has been prepared for you since the foundation of the world; entreat and My Holy Spirit of Understanding will descend in your nothingness as a brilliant sun with healing rays in your eyes, and all things that seemed obscure and out of your 1The Most Holy Trinity. 2 I also understood: they did not place love as first. 3Holy Trinity. 4Holy Trinity.