True Life in God Messages

Notebook 79 True Life in God 823 revolution of love such as your era has never seen .... ah .... daughter, pray for the house of the East and the West to join together, like two hands when joined in prayer, a pair of hands, similar, and in beauty when joined together pointing towards heaven when in prayer; let those two Hands, belonging to the same body, work together and share their capacity and resources with each other .... let those two Hands lift Me together, ah .... when will those Hands of My Body lift Me over the Altar, holding Me together? 1 O come! I do not want lengthy discourses, anyone who wants to be first and best among you must be slave to all; I am here! look to yourself! and there are endless treasures in My Heart; so do not say: “where, where can I find my answers?” equip yourself with this treasure of My Heart and you will bring together those that have been led astray and I will reign over them all and you will dedicate My treasure of My Sacred Heart to the whole earth; – and you, daughter: by giving Me your time you please Me and it honours Me; loving Me rejoices Me and glorifies Me; desiring Me infatuates Me; the amount given to Me from your heart is the amount you will be given back from My Throne; My grace is upon you and My Hand on yours .... rest in Me; I love you and the Father loves you for loving Me; I love You, Love .... I will cure many more through these messages; do your part, My Vassula, and I will complete your work in My Divinity; come, I will be with you while you do your other small duties; 2 I, Jesus, love you, have My blessings; 1 Christ means over Mass, during the Eucharistic prayer. 2Housework of course.... June 16, 1995 In the sin of my soul You visited me with love. You have not come with a stick to reprimand me, nor has Your Splendour come to me with a grudge, You have, instead, visited my soul with blessings to heal its darkness. Lover of Your creation, help us all and teach us what is pleasing to You, so that everything we do will be acceptable in Your Eyes. As You know, Lord sin has become the oracle of the wicked, we sin as much as we breathe. Why this violent uproar among Your creation? Why this impurity? Why this revolt? I bow down in reverence of You and ask You: For how long will Your sons and daughters continue to be put to confusion by the Evil one? In Your saving justice, my Lord, help us, and tell us what is needed most to change. peace be with you; I am delighted to hear you; all I need is love, love, love; love can do everything; so love Me and continue to grow in My Love, then no obscure spot would remain in you; Love will efface your stains and blemishes; Love heals, it amends; Love brings good fruit, fruit that lasts .... have you not heard, My child, that everyone who loves is one of My Own and knows Me? have you not heard that on Judgement Day you will be judged according to the measure of your love? you asked Me and said: “why this violent uproar among Your creation?