True Life in God Messages

822 True Life in God Notebook 79 I will forgive and forget; happy the ones who meditate on My words and My appeal and reason with good sense, they shall be saved; I bless you with all My Heart I bless you; ic; June 15, 1995 Your Word, my King, is a healing balm, when my life was more ignoble than clay, Your Word was uttered in my ear and the invisible swiftly became visible and like a world unknown to me, like a light unknown to the blind, everything suddenly was shining with brilliant light. Like brightly blazing stars that illuminate the heavens by night, Your Word gave me sight to enter into Your Mystery. I bless You, my Lord, for Your Love now is visible before my eyes bringing my soul to live in loyalty to You for ever and ever. yes! enter into the mystery of My Heart and receive My Peace; flower, never substitute your time of writing with other things; you have all day and I will be pleased if you come to Me in meditation; remember: love is always patient, so be patient too; do not run ahead of Me as you have done in these past days .... love, true love, will endure trials, set-backs and the lot; have Me as first and above all; evangelise with love for Love and glorify Me; resent, My child, all that leads to evil and immerse yourself into all that is good and holy and which will lead you into eternal life; I am Holy and Good .... 1 – I burn with a desire .... 1 Suddenly our Lord stopped, and with another tone of voice, like someone who wants to confide his secret said what followed. Which desire, my Lord? to see My Church united and one ..... pray for unity and do not listen to those who do not want unity; the Divider keeps them separated and aggressive in their spirit; anyone who does not work sincerely and with all his heart for unity is seriously grieving My Holy Spirit; I implore those who assemble to lead My Church into one to impress on their minds those words: humility and love humility and love are the keys to unity; it is not the eloquence of speech nor the lengthy discourse that will lead them to unity; it is not their exchange of praise on one another that will lead My Church into one; all these things weary Me .... devastation and ruin have penetrated into My Sanctuary, so what praise can they exchange on one another? where is their honour? bow down that you may see My Will; lower your voice so that you hear Salvation speaking to you from the heights of glory; it is in your conversion that your heart will hear Me and lead My Church into one, unifying My Body; it is in the splendour of the Truth that you will fragrance again and will make everyone recognise themselves as part of one body; it is in the sharing that you will lead everyone close to one another; for this you need to change in your heart and flower with conversion; if you do these things and wash your heart clean of your sin, I, in My turn, will multiply My remedies and will cure you entirely; I will bring upon you a spiritual growth which will bring the remnant of My creation to abide under your roof; if you, you who ceased to be, allow My Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life, to entice you, I will bring your heart in a spiritual