True Life in God Messages

820 True Life in God Notebook 79 be gracious to you; therefore, anyone who listens to His Calls and prepares himself by repenting will be like the sensible man who built his house on rock; the Lord is your Rock; I am the guardian of your house1and the Lord the foundation of your house .... and now, daughter of the Most High, one advice: remain rooted in God, in His Love and no attack will be able to shake you; remain united in the Most Holy Trinity and you will shake your accusers by your firm resistance to temptations; remain in the Most Holy Trinity and you will have in you the strength for this battle to hold on till the end, never giving in; you will obtain enough grace from God's own glorious power so that you accomplish your mission; everything will be done in perfect harmony and you will learn to bear your trials with astounding joy; glory to Him who is pouring on you His Graces to maintain you in His Light, His Mercy to sustain His Justice, His Strength to make you live according to His Commandments; Yahweh is just and good, full of pity for his children, faithful and true for all times, unsparingly He offers His gifts and shares His Treasures drawing each soul into His Heart; have no fear; Yahweh-is-with-you; Saint Michael the Archangel of God, Yahweh; May 29, 1995 (Holy Land – Galilee) (Late at night in Galilee.) I said: “I will go to my Lord’s territory and seek His Face.” My heart has said of You: 1 The word ‘house’ can be understood as ‘soul’. “At that time Michael will stand up, the great prince who mounts guard over your people ....” (Dn. 12 : 1). “Seek His Face and enjoy the sweetness of His smile, answer His Call, answer His Call to His Land.” My Lord, King! Joy of my heart; Spring of my soul, my heart exults in Your Presence and my soul rejoices in Your abundant Love! My only Love, come and display Your marvellous kindness in this tormented nation; Your Presence will bring them Hope; Your Eyes are known to be fixed on what is right, and Your judgement is true. Joy of my heart, are You around or are You hiding from me? are you listening to this ever so faint appeal? My Vassula, do you know that My Eyes never stopped following you from the moment you were born? I Am all2 (yes!) the time with you and (yes!) present! ..... 3 come, just a small prayer; 4 say: blessed be Your Name, O You who hear my prayer! blessed are You, my Lord, who removed my soul from the pit, You have looked upon me from the heights and humbled my soul (from my mother’s womb with fasting;) 5 blessed be Your Graciousness who drew me in Your Heart to save me and set me free; 2He asked me to underline the word three times just so as to emphasise it. Jesus was really stressing His words. 3A short silence. 4The way Jesus said “come, just a small prayer” was one of His typical ways of expression, after a short silence to change tone and attitude saying what followed with a rush as though we had to hurry and get going, and at the same time treating me as a weak child and He, taking a paternal attitude. 5 (This sentence is for me only.)