True Life in God Messages

818 True Life in God Notebook 78 nation quake and I will dissolve this rebellion that brought this Apostasy down on you like a plague, in My Flames; I will dislodge the apostates and the thrones of those who changed seasons, My Tradition, and who passed their life contradicting and opposing My Abels1 and the one2 who shepherds them; I will stride the earth and will not leave one stone unturned, for I have sworn to devour with My Flames all that does not come from Me and that defiled My Image; – for years now I have been sending you new apostles to be among you to remind you of My Law and to listen to My warnings3 they have been prophesying since many years now, but so very few listened .... I have sent them to remind you to apply My Law and practise kindness and compassion towards each other; I have sent them to be My Echo, reminding you, generation, to repay evil with love and to love one another, but to this day your hearts are closed and harder than ever .... you do not apply My Law nor to My requests; your hearts continue to plan evil against one another and are adamant rather than listen to My Calls that I had made known by My Spirit through My new apostles of your days .... since you have, generation, done all these things that I abhor and you have not practised love and peace, but rebellion instead, you will receive according to your measure .... what you have harvested you shall now reap .... Is there no word of hope for the faithful, the Abels as You call them, my Lord? to My Abels I say: I will make My Justice known; do not be afraid; I know you by name and you know Me; always be 1The loyal priests. 2John Paul II. 3Jesus sighed. wanting peace with all people; make sure that no one disobeys his leader so that no root of rebellion begins in him; continue in My grace and do not harden your hearts; I am your Hope and in Me be rooted; I will look after you while iniquity is rising at its peak; I love you all, eternally; be one in My Name;  May 12, 1995 Scriptures say: “if a property has no fence, it will be plundered.” 4 Lord, let Your arms be my fence, protect me, I who am Your property. Do not allow the Plunderer to step inside Your property and make a devastation out of it, otherwise I will end up in flames! I, Jesus, will always be your protection, 5 do not lose the Peace I have given you .... your food is to do My Will; by grace I have lifted you to be My bearer, and by grace you will complete your work with Me; do not be astonished the way I have spread My Message; open your ear, daughter, and hear the sound of My Footsteps, I am not far from you; 6work for My Church; I, Jesus Christ, prepared for you water to drink and relieve you; I know that it is hard, My beloved, to be crossing this ruthless desert, but I am with you .... (The Eternal Father speaks now.) I, your Heavenly Father, bless you; every word you utter about Me, glorifies Me; every heart conquered while you speak 4Si. 36:25. 5 Jesus used the word ‘protection’ instead of ‘protector’. 6Jesus means: His Return.