True Life in God Messages

Notebook 78 True Life in God 815 Sacrifice and overthrow the foundation of His sanctuary;” 1 these are the ones who once were and are no more; these are the ones that ceased to be, the armies of heaven and the stars were once My Own but decided to part from Me and become associates with the beast; “they are all of one mind in putting their strength and their powers at the beast's disposal”; 2 they are selling Me every day and are profaning Me in My Perpetual Sacrifice, in the Blessed Sacrament of My Divine Love; see? see what great disorder is coming? so now let your voice go out through all the earth and My Message to the ends of the world; have My Peace to work with peace; praise Me for giving a new life to your soul .... Glory be to God; I thank You, with all my heart, I thank You. I have been revived and You have given me a heart of flesh, my flesh has bloomed once more; By choosing me, You raised me to enjoy Your favour, allowing me to live in Your House all the days of my life. Blessed be God who allows me to enjoy every hour His sweetness, His tenderness and His graces. The Word of God is Life. Teach my tongue to proclaim Your goodness and praise Your Holy Name, for ever and ever. Amen. come, I bless you; I will keep nourishing you and I will look after you; 1Dn. 8:10-11. 2Rv. 17:13. May 1, 1995 My Lord: may Your Holy Name be held glorious for ever. My heart flutters with joy at Your Presence and I rejoice in Your favour; and everything You order me to do I try promptly to carry out. In Your Presence I experience the sweetness of Your Heart and Your teachings which are: Life, Joy, Peace, Love and Sanctity. They are a Song for our soul, revealing the hidden mysteries of Your Kingdom. But when I sing Your Love Song with all my heart and voice and bless Your Name thrice holy, they come crashing upon me calling me “a wrong-doer”, they sit on a judicial bench with a sceptre of falsehood, always trying to invent new accusations; when will they renounce their fault? lean on Me, I am with you; let not those things worry your heart; I am in charge of My Church, so never feel discouraged; Vassula, My flower, remember: there was no one to instruct you but Myself; I came to teach you and through you others; I am your Teacher and I love you; learn from Sweetness itself; learn, My pupil, without self-interest and pass on without reserve; look, My child, I am known not to stand in awe of human greatness; if these became judges and omit to observe holy things holily, they will be adjudged themselves as unholy; have you forgotten that I was treated as a blasphemer and I was condemned for this reason? so why are you surprised to be judged as someone who uses perverted and abusive language? they