True Life in God Messages

Notebook 78 True Life in God 813 wandered away from My Heart and you hastened your steps towards spite and deceit .... fastidious you have become, and brambles and thorns choked the little love which was growing and which was My delight and My honour; how can you say your eyes observe My Commandments when unsparingly you put your neighbour to the proof? My Father and I have journeyed all the way from Heaven to remind each one of you to open your hearts to receive Us before My visible passage on this earth; pray that this Hour will not find you unaware with a heart of stone; pray so that this Hour will not find your spirit void; come to your King with an open heart and you too will share His Royal Table which is: love;  April 28, 1995 Vassula, let Me sing to you, My friend, the canticle I have in My Heart! write: O My people, My friends, My kin, your Lord will come and rest in your heart; you will be renewed in My Presence for I am determined to surround you all with songs of deliverance; I am determined to assemble all the peoples of the earth and instruct them; My New Song is written so as to honour My Name; have you not heard that My intentions are: Salvation for mankind? My Plan holds good for ever and the intentions of My Heart from age to age; listen House of the East! do not stay deaf to My cries! you waited for My Sovereignty, beloved House of the East to descend from the highest heaven to rescue you and now I tell you: morning by morning you will grow on your throne, for, see, from your land will sprout a Shoot of hope, a Shoot of righteousness and of perfect peace and the inhabitants of this House will spread peace everywhere .... daughter of My Eastern House, declare this with cries of joy, go and proclaim My Words, say, “the Lord is coming from His holy dwelling, to console His people and consolidate His Church;” today My Eyes are on a man of good omen and the crown will be given to him; it is he who sprouts from the Eastern Bank who will glorify Me .... and My angels will descend with the royal insignia in their hands and dress him for the throne as a ruler; ah Vassula! dance and shout with joy for this day is ever so near; I am already taking action here and now to bring this day of festival1 upon you so that all the past misfortunes will be replaced by joy; House of Tradition have you not heard? have you not yet understood that from your House I will be thrice glorified? have you not heard that I bestowed heaven’s blessings on your Shoot? just as once you were a curse among many nations, so I mean to raise you to become a healing balm for My House in the West and a blessing for the nations; House of the East! a victorious Shoot is sprouting to raise My House into one; My lips quiver with emotion and My Heart sings for the anointed one .... and the abyss roars with rage at the sound of his footsteps, because My House will be one; the Western House and the Eastern House will live as one because My Name will be their bond, clothing them in perfect peace, integrity and love; My New Name will be the royal insignia between these two Houses .... this will 1Jesus means Unity.