True Life in God Messages

812 True Life in God Notebook 78 read, My children, without understanding; 1 at one moment your heart aflame cries out to Me praises and at the next the flame within you dies down; – as tenderly as a father who treats his children I have treated you and have revealed to your heart this Inexhaustible Treasure that had been hidden for generations and was kept for your Times, these Times when Knowledge and Faith would be despised because of the coldness of the world; My Treasure was reserved for the end of times you are now living in, when people would be preferring their own pleasure to God, rendering themselves to every evil than to good; I am pouring out on you My Inexhaustible Treasure from My Sacred Heart like cascades of streams, over mountains and into valleys to make you strong in your love and ready for My Kingdom; I have been like a spring gushing in ravines, running down between the mountains, attracting the thirsty; I have for the past years offered you all that heaven has to offer, so tell Me, what could I have done more to save you that I have not done? My children, I have given you My Law in the beginning to keep you alive; My Law to this day is not kept because you do not live in the love of God; so long as you have no love for your Father in Heaven you cannot love your neighbour and you cannot say you are obeying the Commandments; so long as what you were taught in the beginning is not alive in you, you are still not rooted in Me; how can you say: “I live in Jesus and in my Father;” have you not heard that on the two greatest Commandments hang the whole Law? I ask you solemnly, “what gain is it for a person to have won 1Many important prophecies in these messages were accomplished but no one noticed. the whole world and to have lost the gift of love?” to have lost the gift of love is to have lost the knowledge of God, for if anyone is without love for the Father, he is breaking all the Commandments; I tell you, if your love goes no deeper than what it is now and does not grow, you will never be able to get into My Kingdom; learn to glorify the Father and love Him so that the Father and I make Our home with you; learn to long and desire the Father so that your life becomes an unceasing prayer; if you say you are from God, then love one another just as much as I love you so that you live a True Life in God; have your minds not perceived My Glory all these years I have been teaching you? I will soon return to you, so do not venture to say: “I have still time to progress”; come now and repent! the fruit of repentance is: Love; so come now and learn to be gracious in your love for your heavenly Father; learn to love not only your neighbour but also those whom you consider as your enemies; if you are merciful to them so will your Father in heaven show you mercy; in My Household I have only love; I have called you by your name to give you Hope; I have opened My Sacred Heart and offered you all My Wealth and Treasures I had hidden over centuries; I have descended from My Throne to be among you with My Heart in My Hand, to offer you all this Treasure that is within it; then, when I opened My Mouth and have spoken, you were lost in amazement over My perfect beauty; to stir your love and to rouse you, I breathed on you My delicate fragrance of perfume; in the youth of your conversion you opened your heart freely to Me and asked Me to conduct you with My Shepherd’s staff, and so I did; of the flock I pastured very few remained in the fold; your resistance to wickedness did not hold; your feet progressively