True Life in God Messages

Notebook 78 True Life in God 811 all from above, from the highest heaven; yes, I will send My Spirit in you to make a heaven out of your soul, so that in this New Heaven I may be glorified thrice; and as the paths, of those who received My Holy Spirit, will be straightened so will their darkness and gloom too be enlightened and restored into blazing stars, illuminating their darkness for ever and ever; soon, this earth and heaven will disappear because the radiant glory of My Throne will shine in you all; I, Jesus, tell you: I, the High Priest, from the highest heaven call you to come and join Me by approaching My Throne of Grace; it is within your reach; come to Me and you will inherit My Kingdom in Heaven;  April 12, 1995 My Lord? I Am; Peace be with you; will you write with Us1 today? Only if You want me Lord. We want .... if you remain with Us, little one, you will make good progress, so will you, you who belong to the Most Holy Trinity, serve Us? by serving Us you will be obeying Us and glorifying Us; I will serve You most gladly. make Us known the way We have come to you, then allow Us to sing Our New Song2 through your mouth; those who are still not contaminated by the powers of the world will be drawn to Us in Our 1 Jesus is speaking in the Presence of God the Father and the Holy Spirit. 2The Messages. Imperishable Light; today We are sending you like a fiery flame to revive this flickering flame in each heart that is almost extinct; – Our Presence through this Call is: forgiveness; Our Presence among you is: kindness and tenderness, but soon My Voice will be heard as a clap of thunder among you; – My Voice will be this of Justice; I will come to purify the earth; My purification will be like a small Judgement and it will be with righteousness; (Message from Jesus to the U.S.A.:) say to them this: even though I personally led many safely back to faith through My Call, the earth continues to pine away with rebellion, withering away, because of its drought; if My Eyes in these days never cease to shed tears of blood it is because so many of you whose eyes have seen My Glory, My Mercy and My powerful intervention in these past years are still tempted today to look back on what I vowed to destroy! where are you, you who counted the minutes to be with Me? where is your eagerness you once had to defend My Name and hold it holy? you who were far away from My Heart and who came to Me saying: “I am sickly” and whom I healed, you have again turned your ear back to apathy; in My distress I call, but so many of you spurn all My warnings! “deliver My Messages to all the cities so that they change their lives,” I say; but no sooner do I call than My Voice is drowned by this yawning darkness that inhabits My cities .... am I worth so little in your eyes? I who breathed in you a living spirit, am I not worth more for you? so many of you read and read My Messages but without living them because you